Lease Deal BMW
Review this deal - I want the m240i but also quoted for m340i and the 3 series way better lease but ultimately the monthly expense is the same for the lease. attaching both quotes. check the discount off MSRP, the MF no markup, and incentives $3000 for 340, $500 for 240. and the residuals suck for M240. yet I’m still probably going to get the m240i.
Before everyone gets worked up about 1% rule and all that I’m more sharing the reality of BMW lease, no money down, no MF markup. The 2 series are low volume seller so no incentives really. BUT it’s still a great car. I’m turning in after 3 years so that’s my POV.
You’re getting a pretty solid discount for both cars. And hooray for the buyrate. Only thing I’d say is maybe consider the M340i and do a 39-month lease on it since it’s eligible (the M240i is not). It will be the same residual as the 36-month and should shave off a decent chunk from the monthly. Everything else looks correct in terms of residual, rebates, etc. Good luck!
Only thing to think about regarding 39 month is in Cali you pay for annual plates which stay with car and you don’t get any credit back…and plates on this will be pricey even at 3 year mark.
That is true. I’ve never kept a car long enough to reach that point lol. You could always avoid that by selling the car at the 35th month, but yes assuming you keep the full lease, you’ll have to pay that third reg fee (around $600-ish).
Thanks - the deal maker in me sees the better deal but I’ve had 3 series and m340’s for the past few years. I’ve had 3 m340i’s. Prior to I had an e46 2 door M3 (convertible). If the M240 came with manual transmission it’s an easy call. I just look at the 2 deals and the m340 is much better lease deal but the cash outlay from a “renting the car for 3 years pov” is about the same. The other thing is now BMW Financial uses Transunion. In past was experian auto 8 Fico. I’ve worked on my Experian to always keep at 680-700 but my TU score dipped to 655 so my MF is like 30-40bps higher. I’m order the m240i but can change my mind to an m340 by xmas… So they will pull my credit again on delivery some time in march.
Let me ask you this does bmw still take an alternate score for a tier bump (at the 2nd credit pull before car delivery)? For example for my 2nd credit pull if my TU score is still 659 but my experian is 700 can i bump it up 2 tiers by forcing BMW financial to take experian? I’ve heard they can and do do that… Ive been a longtime BMW lease customer…. I was carrying a high balance on ccard and that caused the TU score to dip. It should recover. Thanks
Regarding your credit score questions, it really depends on the credit buyer at BMW FS and whether the dealer can make a good case for you. It’s very case-by-case basis and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Ultimately though, as far as choosing the car, go with the car you like. You did well in terms of the overall deal for both cars.