Deal Check: 2024 BMW iX 93545 MSRP 673 monthly

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LeasHackrs, need your expert opinion on this year end deal in Chicago suburbs for 2024 BMW ix
36 mos/7500mi
MSRP: 93545
BMW rebate: 9900
Dealer incentive: 7200
Residual value: 51450
MF: 0.0009
Monthly: 673
DAS: 4755 (down)+ 347 (dealer fees) + 925 (acq fees) + 451 (license, title) + 3637 (upfront tax: not sure why all upfront)+ 673 (1st month)
MSD: none
thinking of 0 down and DAS with only fees, title and upfront taxes on incentives etc.

look forward to any suggestions on where to negotiate down and close today!

here’s the link to the calculator

Your discount off MSRP listed in your calculator does not match up with the dealer incentive. I would pass on this deal. Btw, do not put $4.7k down on a lease.

I would suggest checking out the Marketplace for broker deals. Some are offering 10%+ off MSRP + 9900 in rebates + buy rate MF.

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Use the almost 5k for MSD instead of DAS

thanks, total dealer incentive is 7200 (7.7% off MSRP), in addition to 9900 BMW incentive.

Not sure why dealer is calculating tax upfront and seems to include more than just 9900 BMW incentive.

I’ll be pushing hard for 10-12% off MSRP vs. 7.7 and see where we land. Is acq fees, doc fees, all standard or negotiable?

Will be going with 0 down, is it worth buying down rate from 0.0009 MF with bank CD rates at 5.5%?

Looks like you included part of the dealer discount/incentive to taxed incentives with the balance coming off the MSRP.

Once you remove the down payment, the calculator shows a payment of $809.

You are at a 7.7% discount pre-incentive, with buy rate on the mf. I’d try and push to 10-11 and go from there.

thanks, since the tax dealer was showing was higher than calculator, i figured some of the dealer rebate was taxed in addition to 9900.

It’s actually less than that 7.7 if buyrate is .00050 and they’re marking up 40 points

you are right, talked to another dealer, offered 0.0005 MF off the bat…pushing for 10-12% with 0.0005 MF

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You have to pay sales taxes on the incentives.

Thank you all for your input. Closed the deal yesterday with below numbers, dealer was not willing to go any lower an hour before closing…

MSRP 93545
Dealer discount 19700
Selling Price 73845
Down Payment 0
Capitalized cost 73845
Residual Value 51,450
Tax of ~3500 rolled in
DAS: 2557 (incl 925 acq fees, title, doc, 1st month install)
MF: 0.0009 - dealer was willing to go to base 0.0005 but was reducing incentive by 2k
Monthly: 825.74
7.5k miles, 36 months

Is the 20% off MSRP?

$9,800 discount if the rebate was 9,900

Is there an explanation on here somewhere of MSDs?

BMW Leasing wiki under the Wiki category

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