Deal Check | 2024 Audi RS e-tron GT 12/7.5k Deal Check

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MSRP: $158,690
Lease End Value: $109,496
Term: 12 Months
Miles: 7,500
Cap Cost Reduction: $32,500
One Pay: $20,907

Looks like the dealer is not discounting anything and the $32,500 is coming from Audi USA. I think I ask them for $15,000 as the one-pay. I have bought cars from this dealership before.

Whats their to ask my friend? Brokers are doing 10-11K one pays. That’s a great benchmark.


No discount really makes it a non starter. Ask for 10% off and go from there.

Sorry to hear


I’m in the process of closing on mine. My spec is 165k. 7500 miles, 1 year lease. 14,400 one pay lease.

But my questions I wanted to ask is they’re trying to get me to buy the wheel and tire protection for 1k. I’ve had other cars I’ve bought it on but I never ended up using it.

You guys think Audi will give any issues when returning the lease? For normal cosmetic wear and tear?

Don’t walk, run.

Realistically the supply of these cars is only getting smaller by the day but you could do a lot better even if you have to ship it.

How much are the tires if you lose one or two or burn them off?

Try and get at least 10% off.

In order to match the dealer’s numbers, your LH calculator should be structured as follows…

Not sure what you are asking, if anything. It appears that the 32500-cap reduction was not taxed. Don’t know what state you’re located. Your MF = 0.00342. You might want to get a breakdown of the 1292 dealer fees. You’re not paying the 1292 upfront, you’re capitalizing it. Therefore, I increased the sell price by 1292 to ensure that it gets capitalized. There is nothing to suggest an 895 acq fee unless it’s included in the 1292.
Dealer used a sales tax rate = 9.475%.

I calculated the dealer’s calculations manually, and they match exactly. That is not to say that they are correct. In fact, I doubt it. Looks like some drone input data hastily and out came a bunch of garbage.

Targeting 10% off gets you to $12,904 in your calculator.

That should be your target if you don’t go the Marketplace broker route

Lol that’s the difference between northwestern and wherever the sales person went.

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