Deal Check: 2023 Pathfinder Platinum WI $2,156 DAS $410/mo

Hi Guys! This forum is the best. Let me know your thoughts on this lease deal. The kicker is this pathfinder is a demo and has 1700 miles on it.

Months: 18
Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00339
Residual: 89%
MSRP: $52,915
Sell price: $48,025 (9.24% off)

Ive asked clarifying questions on why the drive off is more then the cash down and the other fees.

Let me know what else to ask and what you think!

is that MF marked up? i thought it was .00276 for the 18/10 lease. do you have bad credit?

also, brand new ones are going for 8%ish off, so a used demo model with mileage should be getting you an even bigger discount. coupled with the drive-off i’d say you’re getting a poor deal.

It’s a good deal.
Broker’s have posted deals with 8% off MSRP on brand new vehicle. You have to factor in the shipping fee as well if you go with them, considering how far you are located.

Consider doing Onepay with MSD, which will drop the MF to .00196.

.00276 MF is for one pay. I believe OP got the quote for monthly payment.

The cash down is either taxes fees etc, or a cost cap reduction. The drive off includes that and the first month payment (1746+410)
I would push for a little bit more discount since this car already has almost 2k miles on it, and see if a one pay with max msd fits your financial situation.

Def def def look into one pay with max MSDs if you can swing it (and if the dealer knows how to do it). It will save a fortune.

Thanks for the input guys. The dealership is an hour away so I would just drive down to pick it up. I am going to push on the sell price and look at a few MSDs.


So since I live in Wisconsin but the dealer is in IL they had the taxes wrong… ( I find that odd since the dealership is only 20 minutes outside of our border).

I received two different emails… Do they still use an AS400 system over there?? lol

Their are 2 types of tax you pay in Wisconsin, monthly use tax on the payment and cap reduction tax on the down payment. Unfortunately our worksheets don’t express that because they are set up for Illinois not Wisconsin and we have to manually adjust them.
Your cap tax is $89 and the total monthly use tax is 445.31 all of wich is included in the $400/month 18 month 10k miles $2,000 out of pocket deal we agreed to. There are no other fees or costs to you.

*Good afternoon I apologize for the confusion. The rules for Wisconsin leases are different from IL. The difference is due to a down payment tax WI has that IL does not. The Lease quote work sheet we use doesn’t calculate Leases exactly for WI. A lot of the numbers are manually typed in. *


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