Deal Check: 2023 Nissan Ariya Platinum 18mo/10k ($333.81/ month)

Seeing all these hacks on the Nissan Ariya got me into shopping mode. Found a dealer in Midwest (KC) that was very easy to deal with and included all MFG rebates including extra dealer ($1000) on the deal. Was hoping to put the deal into the calculator but was missing some information on my quote. At the end of the day however, I think $333.81 per month with nothing due at signing is a no-brainer unless I am missing something.

Sticker: $63,770
Dealer Discount: $7101
Rebates: $13,840
Selling Price: $42,829

Dealer has a total of six 2023 Ariya’s in different Trim levels in stock for anybody else interested.

Ariya Platnium


You left stock number on it:) someone may try to snatch it from you:)

But $330 on a Platimun trim is pretty good.


Looks like a solid deal for a platinum!

I’m not tracking discounts & rebates so IDK if either can be improved.

But even as is the lease structure can be improved.

  1. NMAC allows MSD on monthly leases, up to 5 IIRC

  2. $1,800 DAS would make your payment and thus any extension $233 a month for up to 6 months AFAIK.


Looking to get deal closed but seeing discrepancy in dealer MSD Amount / Monthly Payment verus the calculator. Am i doing something wrong w numbers in calculator or is dealer giving me wrong info?

The rebate number in the calculator is the correct number ($12,830 not $11,830).

Update your thread tags to where you live and register your cars. Nationwide is meaningless here and no one can tell whether your calculator is accurate

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I see now The msd makes a big difference

For platinum plus that seems very good. Pop p

Your calculator link shows $12,800 incentives instead of $11,800. Where did the extra $1000 come from?

Even without that extra $1000 the $331 make no sense. Without MSDs the number should be $263 including tax.

Which is a hell of a deal.

Edit: Unless you’re in one of the funky states that does weird things with sales tax like Texas? Then yeah $331 sounds more legit.

Try to keep VIN off the deal sheet as well as stock # if you don’t want your target car gone.
Because while you are pondering if it’s good or bad someone will just snatch it and call it a day.

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