Deal Check - 2023 BMW 330e Demo/loaner

hello - Appreciate feedback on the below demo/loaner car with 5500 miles. Never leased a BMW or loaner before.

Term - 36 M/10K Miles
MSD - Max 7
MF - .0019
RV - 57
Lease Cash - $1K (not sure about this)
Loyalty - Not eligible

Lease cash is the bmw lease cash thats offered by BMW. If you had loyalty (i.e. owned another BMW or BMW in the household/same address) would be another $1k

Looks like a decent discount for a loaner, would feel good signing as is.


Pretty solid. Tell them to make that discount an even 25%, and you’d be happy to take that loaner off their hands.


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I know what lease cash is but wanted to confirm whether it’s applicable to this specific deal, the car being loaner.

If it’s a leasable vehicle, manufacture lease cash is still applicable based on the programs BMW is offering at any given time.

Just to confirm…are you (or anyone in your immediate family, in the military or previously in the military?). Or…recent college graduate?

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no not eligible for any other incentives…

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