Deal Check: 2020 Sierra Denali

MSRP 71595
Cash Sale Price 66595
Rebate $2750
Residual 59%
36 months 15k miles
1400 cash down (1st month, fees, taxes)
$695/month including taxes

Any more room on the discount? Dealer is at 7%

Looks solid to me. I was at a 6% max discount on a similar unit a few months ago, so 7% is decent, especially if you aren’t using supplier. These tend to move fast so don’t wait too long.

That number is meaningless without knowing whether the MF is marked up and what the doc/dealer fees are.

money factor is base .00024

Wow… that residual has fallen substantially since last month (71%).

RV for 36/15 was never 71%. Perhaps you meant 61%?

Oops. You’re correct. Missed that the OP is looking at 36/15. My region was 72% RV on a 24/10.