Deal Check: 2020 Mercedes CLA 250 loaner, 41k MSRP, 350 down 350 per month pre tax, 7500 miles

Is this a good deal on a loaner CLA 250? It seems like Mercedes does not really have many incentives and discount such a new grad discount etc.

I really really want a C class but the dealers always say ‘above 600 a month’. I had a similar experience with BMW as well. I pointed them to a 218i, X1 loaners for 41k, told them I qualify for $500 student + $750 corporate, and they came back and gave me 550 a month with 4000 down (wtf?). This is in Seattle btw.

What to do? My budget is < 400 per month incl. tax with preferably 0 down. Do I just go with CLA?

Best place to get a lease deal in the Seattle region is usually from outside of the Seattle region.

Have you looked into leasing from out of state and having the car shipped?

Additionally, we’ll need more info on this deal to properly analyze it - what’s the selling price, MF, etc.? Did you check Edmunds to verify that there aren’t any incentives for the CLA?

What % discount would you need on a C class to make it fit your budget? Is that a reasonable discount when comparing to the research you’ve done?

Deals can be had at MB Seattle, but you need to watch closely. I got my in laws a CLA250 for $275/month last year but it took timing it right.

For us to help you we’d need a full breakdown of your deal - MSRP, Sale Price, rebates, rates etc.

I’ve contacted some brokers from leasehackr but they generally don’t do out of state/SoCal. I’ll directly reach out to dealers in Portland, SF or Denver though, thanks for the tip.

What % discount would you need on a C class to make it fit your budget? Is that a reasonable discount when comparing to the research you’ve done?

I’ve spent hours and hours on this forum, but haven’t found anything consistent and repeatable for MB. I know that for BMW what the incentives etc. are. For example, the only thing mentioned here is the fleet discount: Mercedes Fleet Discount / Other Incentives WIKI.

I’ll post offer details tomorrow.

There’s no incentives on the CLA 250 per Edmunds so you’ll be relying solely on dealer discount for this car.

In your 3 hours of read time, have you spent time analyzing the posted MB deals either in Share a Deal or the Marketplace to see what % discounts are being offered this month/last month to get a relative idea of what’s reasonable to expect? Obviously as we roll into the new year, lease programs will change and dealers may not be as eager to make deals without year end goals to potentially hit, but it’ll allow you to be more informed in your negotiations.

I ended up reaching out to @Calvin.MB who put together a pretty good deal for a C class for me! It’s a long way to SoCal but worth it as the Seattle dealers won’t play ball (i.e. won’t go beyond 9-10% discount). I’m hoping to pick it up next weekend. Will update once I do.