[Deal Check] 2018 BMW X3 M40i


My wife and I are looking at a 2018 X3 M40i and wanted to get some opinions.

My gut tells me the offer is high. Also, my wife said when we looked at the car yesterday it said it was a demo which I didn’t notice, but it does appear to have 1k miles on it already so she must be right. I’m also a little skeptical because the same exact car is on the dealer’s website with a listed MSRP of 54,998, but they’re telling us the MSRP is 59,590. Could just be a typo on the website, I guess.

Basic details of the deal:

MSRP: $59,595
Residual: 58%
MF: 0.00208
DAS: $2,000

12k miles, 36 months, $712/mo with taxes.

Defiantly seems high. I have been quoted only slightly more on a 2019 X5

Very high lease price…

I just look at the badge being an X3 and I think for $60k even though it’s an M40i I couldn’t drop that kind of money on an X3.

First, I’d like to verify that you know the 2018 M40i’s don’t have the M Sport Wheel?

The 2019’s are equipped properly.

As for the deal, the money factor is outrageous and it blows the whole thing up. It’s about $180 ($190 taxed) a payment! You’d be paying 27% of the base payment to the money factor.

The numbers below are rounded to the dollar and use what I could find in the sheet you posted:

$59,595 - $6,004 = $53,590 (price after discount)
$53,590 - $1652 = $51,943 (after cap reduction minus first payment)
$59,595 * .58 = $34,565 (residual remaining for purchase, always calc’d off msrp)
$51,943 + $34,565 * .00208 = $180 (money factor PER payment, yikes!)
$51,943 - $34,565 = $17,378 (total of payments without drive off, money factor, and taxes)

$17,378 / 36 = $483 (monthly payment without drive off, money factor, and taxes)

$483 + $180 = $663 (monthly payment without drive off and taxes… appears $10/month or $360 total is unaccounted for)

$663 * 1.06 = $702.78 (payment without drive off)

$2000 / 36 = $56 (drive off)

$702 + $56 = $758 (total payment)

30% over the best case target of $536


Yeah the money factor seemed really high to me. This is really helpful information, thanks a lot!

As for the M Sport Wheel, that doesn’t really bother us, but thanks for pointing it out.

MF is marked up from buy rate - have you considered putting MSDs down?

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You will need also account for the extra mileage above 500.
Push for buy rate MF and After that ask for MSD.
For $8, you can verify the MSRP on windowsticker, or go back and look on it.

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You need to aim for at least 16 to 18% off MSRP with incentive with .00188 MF. I just signed a lease on a demo with 3K miles, MSRP on car was 62K for $592 a month with $3,700 DAS for 36 month with 12K. I got roughly 18% off MSRP with 1.5K in incentive. So my overall payment is $694.

How do you not know the MSRP of the car? I mean you were there right?

We were there on Saturday but weren’t actually planning on looking at an X3. We mostly just wanted to get info on the new 3 Series but happened to take a look at the X3 they had in the dealership and decided after leaving that we really liked it. Unfortunately they closed shortly after we left and we haven’t had a chance to go back since then.