Dave Ramsey at it again

I’ll just leave this here

One of you should spend less time replying to this thread and more time working on how to replace Dave as a personal finance guru when the economy turns.


From what I understand Ramsey preaches being debt free so when the economy turns his followers should be better off than most. No?


What if rates go negative? That’s assuming there’s any rationality with the fed these days. In the past if the economy got bad, they lowered rates.

I’ll still take as much fiat as the bank will throw at me for under 4%.

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Did someone say as much Fiat as they will offer under 4%? (RIP Sergio)

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I have been known once or twice to hang out by the Fed’s discount window like a dog, hoping one of the big banks drops a few million like table scraps.

Small-F. Currency, not Check Engine lights.


I’ve been known from time to time to pay for entire Dunkin Donuts orders in nothing but 500C’s


Interesting. The Dunkin app once offered to let me trade a free drink reward for an off-lease 500e. I got a Cold Brew instead. :man_shrugging:t2:


As others have said, Ramsey’s advice is simplified to the masses. Whether they be stupid, naive, sheep, financially inept or uneducated, there are millions out there. Some people also just can’t think for themselves and look to a “guru” to follow.

It always amazes me when going through the dial and coming upon one of these shows whether it be Ramsey or Suze Orman or whatever… Then I think of a close family member who is highly educated along with his wife. I got them into leasing years ago and last year helped them get into a Camry lease that was pretty aggressive, something like a $280 payment on a 30k model. They wanted a lower payment and demanded they put 3K down to get a “lower payment”. I explained why that was wrong etc etc, well they still did and as you can imagine, it was totaled 3 months later. They asked me to get into another lease, I absolutely refused. Sometimes you can’t “fix stupid”… Some people just do not GET IT!!!


Negative interest rates will never happen in the US. The Fed has labeled NIR as an unconventional monetary policy tool and noted it’s failure in Sweden.

Ever think the fed would bailout the banks and print 10 trillion? I’m sure that wasn’t part of their mission statement either. They might not have many options if shtf then to go negative.

I’m sure they also recognized the failure of lots of global economies from reckless expansion of currency. But they’re still doing it. In fact I think they just injected another trillion last month

Don’t know what they studied but highly educated doesn’t always mean financially savy.

I have seen many doctors and lawyers who can’t manage their finances.

Just different areas of expertise.


Good used cars have to come from somewhere. If no one buys new then the supply of used cars will dry up in short order.

Guess DR hasn’t heard of chicken vs egg.

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I agree and you’re right
You would just think they could logically look at a scenario but apparently not!!!

Simple in my opinion. He’s aware most lease deals aren’t hacked, thus people are getting taken to the cleaners, generally speaking. We get to hack deals because others get swindled and allow for it.
As a statement to the general public (who thinks they know how to lease), I’d probably agree with him.

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One would think that, but 45 was in Davos saying it’s a great idea :roll_eyes: - been some interesting stuff on it this week. Personally I couldn’t be more against negative rates (I’d hit all of you with 100 basis points tomorrow if I was in Jerome Powell’s sweaty shoes).

Yeah they booed and hissed at Quantitative Easing, but nobody seems to notice how many emergency overnight injections the fed has made in the past 4 months. Anna Nicole took fewer uppers to get through a day.





I work for a major financial institution, and I’ll tell you negative interest rates are something we’ve already been adding language for in our loan documents, cash in trust accounts, etc.

There’s a reason the 1%'ers are taking possession of so much physical gold recently.


They seem to be doing everything in their power to cause hyperinflation but for some reason it isn’t happening. They can’t wait to destroy the dollar and get on a global currency. I figured we would have the “amero” by now.

In the meantime I’ll keep buying pms, good performing real estate, and undervalued companies (are there any left). About to start accepting btcs for broker fees! Haha


If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it. There’s gonna be a major squeeze on pms in the future. The paper contracts on each physical ounce is astounding. I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve read all the gold ever mined can fit in an Olympic sized pool. That’s fascinating.

And just remember negative rates doesn’t mean that you won’t lay interest. It’s just what the banks will borrow money for then tack on their usurious rates to.


IMO Ramsey is conveniently ignoring one of the most basic fundamentals of investing. That is Cash is King. Spending a lump sum on a used car is a horrible way to leverage your liquidity. Why spend $10k on a used car when I can get into a brand new car with $0 out of pocket and a marginal monthly payment? Over the 3 year term, that $10k earns compound interest with market rates in the double-digits. Factor in maintenance, depreciation, and taxes of buying a used car every 10 years versus putting that money into an annuity every 10 years and leasing starts making a whole lot more sense.


Forbes claims 3.3 Olympic pools, but same energy really.

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