Customer States (and Other Random Automotive Videos)


Some of these make me wonder how the person is even still alive. All the garbage under the pedals of the focus in the first video like how do you even brake? Or the plastic on the air filter. Or the hole in the brake booster. Like how did you make it far enough in life that you got your license? What job do you have where you can have 0 sense and yet still get paid enough to afford a car?

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Offered at 4:20

Customer States: My TRX gets terrible Gas Mileage

Resolved: Stop driving it.


Cue the blinker fluid jokes.

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Of course it’s a Kia dealership…

Love the car phone.

Hoovie loves buying hoopties

got another link? that tweet was deleted. Maybe by Musk when he was on a Diet Coke bender.

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Think these are the worst proportions I’ve ever seen.

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Did you watch the whole video?

At least skip to 8:40.

This one is wrong in so many ways.

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Vanlife err (Mini Car life) isn’t so glamourous when it’s time to go potty.

Why did I click?!!