CT6 proposed deal at $435

MSRP:- $72,555

  • Gm Employee Discount:- $7,035
    = $65,520.80
  • Loaner Vehicle Discount:- $9,965
    = $55,555

Doc Fee:- $141

Acquisition Fee:- $650

Residual Percentage:- 53%

Money Factor:- .00009

Additionally there are 3 Cadillac Incentive(Rebates) totaling $4,800 ($1,800, $2,000 & $1,000)

I used the LeaseHackr calculator, but I am not sure how to post it in this thread… Calculator is giving me a score of 15.7 with a monthly payment (incl. tax) of $380. I am being quoted by the dealer $700 DAS and $435 a month for 36months/10k

Looking for any advice to try and get this deal lower

Ask them for a breakdown of the lease details. Seems like a pretty good deal though

Thanks for responding. What details are you referring to?

Even at $435/month, it’s a heck of a deal. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.


Do you have a quote which shows all their numbers? Usually it looks like a picture or a table.

What state are you in?

PA Caps doc @ 141 for E filing…just a hunch it’s there.

Edit: A couple clicks on some old threads, he’s in W PA.

That is correct

Are you dealing with one of the Pgh dealers? You don’t have to mention name…just surprised if true, as this appears to be a decent deal.

Are you saying the incentives stack after the $55k adjusted cap cost or they are part of the $9k discount separate from employee pricing? Seems like a great deal for a $70k msrp car either way.

I ran the numbers again and it looks like the $4,800 in incentives are not coming off the vehicle OR they have that baked into the loaner discount.

I was told they cannot provide due to a “technical issues”. Seems like sales talk

Price of the vehicle would be $50,755 not 55,555

Are you assuming that or did they confirm that is the sales price?

confirmed price

Share the calculator link. If you are putting the sales price in at $50k and not $55k and then the $4,800 down below as taxed incentives that can be a factor. Not sure if GM employee pin discounts are also taxed, maybe that?

Incentives are Untaxed.
I don’t see an option to erase the 1st month, reg and doc fee and tax cap cost reduction from the Drive-Off amount.

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You have that $700something in the calculator as “down” but I’m pretty sure that means cap cost reduction, you can’t plug that in as DAS. The calculator takes that down as a cash payment to be taxed. Removing that puts you in the low $400s and you have $0 in for license/reg, what will that cost you?

I get wanting every possible discount and lowest possible payment, but I would take their offer if you can’t get any more off.

I am thinking that $2,000 may be dealer flex cash they are counting in the loaner vehicle discount. This could account for the difference.

roughly $300