Costco rebate hack

Why would you want a loaner when $1,250 Costco on a new car pretty much covers the difference in discounts and mileage penalty on a loaner?

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Yeah, that’s basically what I discovered. Was hoping they could discount the loaner more to offset the mileage penalty but that was not happening. Leaning toward new, they have offered 9% off MSRP (pre-incentive), but with a jacked MF of .00093 vs. the buy rate of .00043 on a new 2020 XC60. The sales manager sounded pretty firm on the MF, they originally had it at .00143. I am seeking more quotes.

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Yes, keep shopping.

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Nice! So looks like the cutoff is somewhere between 11 and 17 years

@Zenking, what method did you use to renew? Online, phone, in person?

I went into Costco and spoke to the person that signs up new members. It seems they track by address, so I gave them my two previous addresses and they were able to finally pull me up. Once they did that she was able to renew me and my new card shows a July 2003 date. It helps to explain why you want your original date, I did and she was very understanding.

Manager at dealership told me Costco promo is very easy to obtain.
I’m not a Costco member, my brother in law called and got a promo code, gave it to dealer and got 3k off on Chevy Bolt 2020.

be careful, they quite strict and deal may come a callin for that rebate money back if chevy doesnt get their money

did you brother co-sign with you? This seems like a risky move

thats a guaranteed chargeback lol.

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Likely, just get your brother to co-sign. No worries

Has anyone had success with the co-signer being the costco member? Every dealer I have spoken to says that my mom who is the member MUST be the primary on the lease and not the co-signer. However 3 different people from Costco have told me that she only needs to cosign the lease. The dealers are saying that their Costco reps are saying that they will not pay the rebate. Has anyone else run into this? Normally I wouldn’t care but she lives in a different state and her taxes are higher.

I can’t believe you all are risking your family members’ Costco memberships.


If she lives in a different state you aren’t eligible for Costco anyway. For GM at least you need to be in the same household, which you clearly aren’t.

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They’re correct. The certificate is issued to the member, the member has to be first on the lease to get the rebate.

Can you be added to an existing membership with their previous date?

It would have to be someone within your household. That’s what Costco requires