Comprehensive list of Volvo dealers and inventory

There are basically no 20s left, I got 20ish left, and more than half are demos of loaners that can’t be leased yet.

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One thing I will credit 2020 with: the closest the auto industry ever has (or probably will) come to “just in-time inventory”

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they most definitely can be leased lol. maybe you’re not allowed to lease them. your store has a week left to sell them or it is stuck with them. unless you actually see the board of what’s available, a dealer website, especially for volvo, is nowhere near accurate. the dealers i work with have cars on their website that i rolled 4 months ago.

His store does not want to lease loaners, they sell them. And he meant they are not ripe for the loaner bonus yet.

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They want to sell them, not lease them for 16% off.

Quite a few haven’t hit 3k miles or 3 punched months yet.

Ofc you can lease 2020s I have the program sheet and bulletins.

All 2020 loaners were actually required to be retired at the end of August and 21s required to be put in. There can’t be a 20 loaner that does not qualify for loaner money

:man_shrugging: I was told what I was told, and I saw one updated internally. Do we have to argue publicly feels like we’re divorced

Inb4 I get called a clown or selling a phone number, when I haven’t had a single complaint.


You are in different regions and the rules can be different, in any case. Also - never heard that Volvo would require to retire loaners in August. What if they were put in service in June, so do not qualify for 3 or 6 months and mileage requirements?


That’s easy enough to add. I’ll do it now.

Done. As @aronchi and @HersheySweet said there is not much inventory left!


It doesn’t seem to like zip codes that begin with zero. My zip is 02492 and it gives me “SyntaxError: invalid token”. Is there a trick to entering zip codes that begin with zero?

Move to another zip code?

Just kidding. I’ll look at this tomorrow morning.


Make your zip a string :grin:

You are right, of course. I was not thinking very hard when I added the forms…

@BigLebowski it should work fine now. Let me know if you run into any problems.

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Works perfectly now. Thanks for fixing that and for putting this together!

I’m getting unauthorized error on incentive search:
HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized

I updated the authorization token. Give it another try.

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Works perfect, ty! Thought it had something to do with the Payment Estimator on Volvo’s own site, which pulls the same info. I tried it for a few model/trim combos, and it hides the “Lease” pane and subsequent offers.

looks like the auth token expired again, just a heads up.

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One question about the Incentives/RV/MF Lookup – where we can we find a canonical list of all valid trim values? (.e.g. 4dr Sdn T5 Inscription). Do we just sub out the engine and trim, or are there variations for AWD / FWD?