Compact Car Lease Newbie looking for help! :)

Hi everyone,

It’s my first time looking for a lease and I’m pretty overwhelmed with the whole process. I have started talking to some dealers, but I didn’t find any reasonable deals yet so I am hoping you can help me out with some pointers and recommendations.

Would love to drive a compact German car, but it seems like that won’t be possible within my price range so I have been focusing on Honda Civic, Hyundai Elantra, Chevy Cruze.

Design, Lease Price and Safety are my highest priorities. I’m located in Los Angeles.

I am looking for a deal with
$0 down
$200 max monthly payment incl. tax
24 months / 12,000 miles
basic model is fine, leather seats would be top

I am completely open to drive a slightly used model or one from a previous year.

Any tips on how to secure a deal like this or what I should be focusing on in the negotiations? Appreciate your support, dealership suggestions and price pointers (what I should be aiming for) very much!!

Thank you so much for your help!!


Look at the VW Jetta. 53% at 36 months/12k. MF is next to nothing with 700+ credit. Shoot for $5K+ off MSRP and you should be able to lease for $175-$200 per month depending on what state you’re in.

Also if you are a Costco member you should look into the Chevy Cruze or similar. I think the Costco/GM Holiday program goes until Jan. 3rd and you get at least supplier pricing and most times better than that plus a $700 or $300 Costco gift card back for lease or purchase of Most GM vehicles. That can be significant savings on a 24 month lease. You sign up online. People on here have been getting very good leases using the program, particularly on the Chevy Equinox which has good rebates and residual value.

Is the mini compact enough for you? They can be had for your budget easily.

+1 for the mini. Lots to choose from from @loberant list.