I had my BMW rear bumper painted by a body shop due to some scratches. The color is not perfectly matched to the rest of the car. How close does the paint need to be to not be docked by the lease appraiser? My car is a black metallic but the bumper looks more like a dark gray (lighter black).
I would have to take it to a new body shop to repaint it ($$$), since this place did not do a great job.
When I turned in a mini lease the guy went around the vehicle and used a paint thickness meter. I had the dent repaired by a friend who worked for BMW not through insurance and the inspector found the spot and noted it was a good repair. I haven’t seen anyone else mention that here, but I was shocked when I looked through the report and saw the pictures and his description.
Just make sure it’s dirty when it’s inspected and nobody will be none the wiser
Go off-roading. Lots of mud
WTF what kinda Earl Scheibe did this work?
- Nobody here can answer this question, especially without seeing your car, but
- unless it’s the wrong color (eg green on grey) they likely won’t notice. My last lease was hit, and the OEM body shop did a less than stellar job blending the paint, no issue. I had a prior lease that was hit and repaired multiple times, it was no less than 3 shades of blue and wasn’t an issue
If it’s obviously bad, like you hit it with spray paint, likely billed.
If you paid for this bad paint fix, take it back. Definitely get an Autovin inspection before returning, with enough time to get paint work done if it needs it. Until then, if it doesn’t bother you keep driving it.
I would have to take it to a new body shop
why can’t you take it back to the place that used the wrong color and have them redo it for free?
Exactly. It’s warranty work.
When my WRX was rear ended, and my trunk kept leaking, I kept driving rental Dodge Stratuses (3 or 4? Several were gold so they blend together ) until it didn’t leak anymore.
The last lease accident, they installed the back seats and buried the seat belts. They had to take the seats out and fix it. Nbd.
I especially wouldn’t pay to fix it AND pay a bill at disposition to fix it again because of their error.
I kept driving rental Dodge Stratuses (3 or 4
my condolences
my condolences
Thank you. I called it “the curse of the Dodge Stratus” - not that I was hit by one, but I spent months driving them instead of my wrx.
When people say the Versa is the worst POS, it’s only true because Dodge stopped selling those early 2000s sedans. Just vile.
I put the Ford Fiesta in contention for worst POS. I’ve never been as terrified in a car as much as a Ford Fiesta doing 75 on I81.
Oh the cloud cars, all giant piles of
Could you post a pic? That way we can see how off the color is? Sometimes even on a brand new car the bumper will be slightly different in color due to it being plastic and adjacent panel is metal. Sometimes the different material takes paint a bit differently.