New to this forum and have been reading a lot. We spend time in Palm Springs area with a vacation home, but technically our residence is in Washington. We wanted to lease a Bolt for down there from a CA dealer. Are we still able to take advantage of the CA rebates? Any advice or options would be appreciated, thanks!
Do you have a CA drivers license? Will you keep the car registered in CA for at least the first 30 months? If yes, you probably can get the rebate, but call them to find out for sure. They are really easy to get ahold of and nice/helpful on the phone.
Thanks, all. It’s very helpful. I don’t have a CA license but will get one. I think we would leave it licensed in CA for 30 months. If we decided to relocate back to Seattle early do you know what the penalty is? I will call the CVRP to confirm. Thanks again!
I’m in the same boat regarding license. I called and was told that if you don’t have a California license you’re still eligible, you will have to provide other forms of proof of residency. (Ex. Lease agreement, utility bill)
No one is trying to commit fraud. (Atleast I’m not) I was more concerned since I am a recent resident and haven’t had the opportunity to switch my license. I am paying taxes (including sales on the i3) to California.
Second that. You never said you are thinking of a way to commit fraud by using somebody’s fake address. As long as you have an address and pay taxes and utilities, you are a resident with all benefits and privileges thereon. Go for the bolt and enjoy it.
Ps give chevygirl a hard time with negotiations and try to get the bolt under 300 a month:)
Only things they need, drivers license, and make sure you pay california taxes. I think that’s all they care about. Go to their website and read it carefully before commit in buying it. Definitely, it needs to be registered here for 30 months or else, you’ll pay them back