Chase private client pin code - are there dealers that accept it?

I may be wrong but I don’t believe JLR/Chase follows this practice. The JLR experts can chime in here :slight_smile:

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This is only true with some brands.

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They’ll just sell it to someone else.

Unless you’re ordering some truly hideous color combination

Just got a quote over chat with a dealer in NJ. They gave me the pin and baseline mf. Fees might be a bit high of about $2500 but the best deal I’ve got. $579/month, which includes ct tax in monthly, for a 2021 f pace 39/10 $2500 at signing msrp of $57,800

If you really want want this car, you have no choice but to wait until it arrives. When it arrives try to play hardball and see if you can get them to accept the discount. It might end up being late enough in the year where they are going to want to take the bird in hand.

S’not terrible. Brand new refresh so, won’t lease like a unicorn (with jags residuals they never do) for a bit.


Thank you everyone for your answers and ideas. Some clarifications:

This was my mistake, from reading the forum I assumed that you negotiate the price once the vehicle arrives, not upfront - as the dealer kept telling me he can’t define the terms before the month in which it arrives. I now understand that by “terms” people on LH mean two separate things: discount/markup on vehicle price (negotiable in advance) and monthly payment (to negotiate in the month of actual purchase).

Are you saying “have them accept the PIN now, define the price w/a 10% discount, and when the car comes, negotiate the right payment terms whether or not the PIN is active then, cause you already agreed on the vehicle price”?

So a swap happens if both dealers believe it’s a good deal for them, got it. For dealer B in this scenario, the good deal is that I’ll buy the car immediately, zero sales effort. What is a good deal for Dealer A (the original one)? Given they don’t want to give me any discount in the first place, it means they believe they can sell it fast and for full MSRP. If it doesn’t sell as fast as they are hoping, at that point i will have already placed a new custom order, so dealer B won’t be interested in canceling it and helping do the swap, just to let me get the car sooner. So, sounds like a no-go, right?

Not hideous at all, but it’s on the high end of the price range and with some odd features, so I’m not sure they’ll have immediate takers. Question is how long they’d keep it before becoming amenable to offering some discount (not necessarily 10% but something).

Thank you all, very much appreciate all your advice.

Can you expand on this a bit?

Is this total fees for dealer doc, acquisition, and gov fees or is this what they’re charging for dealer fees?

If you have previously agreed on a discount amount and a mf mark up (or lack thereof), there is nothing to negotiate in the month of actual purchase. You’ll need to wait until then to see what the lease programs are to determine what the monthly payment is, but there are no knobs to turn so nothing to negotiate. It is what it is based off the previously agreed on selling price information.

This is total at signing. I’m picking it up in NJ this weekend. Can’t wait

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