Cathy Wood’s Auto Industry Prediction

No, but you should be worried that all the Californians moving elsewhere will completely ruin what you liked about the elsewhere…


I live in the most densely populated state in the country, so the people packing in here are doing it for a good reason.

Craig Rivet spent a year building his dream home in California and was promptly traded to Buffalo after the house was finished, but I think he stayed in Buffalo though, when you’re rich, you can pretty much stay anywhere.

But I think the California Exodus is greatly exaggerated. It is horrible to stay in a place that you are not happy about be it Florida or California.

Can’t argue there at all.

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It’s shocking how many professional athletes came here and never left.

No people from NYC are just trying to escape the communism they voted into. If it’s NJ god bless ya…the least they can do no sales tax on ev’s.

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This sounds a bit too first-person, and now you are scaring me.

I don’t watch TV, but know he has some popular shows, and also know he gets a shit-ton of flack, but the ‘guy’ shows up and feeds responders and evacuees during our frequent wildfires. He also gets a pass from my favorite brewmaster, chiefly for living his ‘best life’ on his terms.

Chicago would like a word.


Meanwhile Tesla keeps raising prices. Entry level Tesla is now $45k.

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Just like Lexus. You start off w/ an eye-popping low price and then, when you have market share and a fan base, you hike up the price.

That’s called getting publicity.

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U over on west ave?

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Well yah, gotta make sure they get that tax credit money.

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Yes, for those half empty.

Wrong. New Haven has the best pizza in the country. And for Italian, I would much rather try my luck in one of Boston’s North End restaurants or Little Italy in NYC.

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You actually proved my point. New haven pizza and NYC pizza can be found here as many of these legacy family’s all came over at the same time. Northeast has the best food hands down due to the flow of immigrants into the US. Buffalo at one point was a central hub for Artists and some of the wealthiest people in the world. Industry along lake Erie and Niagara prompted immigrants to come work and build lives here. Per capita Buffalo has the best food in the country. It may be known as part of the rust belt as others have pointed out…but thats only because the country as a whole shipped all the jobs who made the city what it was over seas.

That is why I would go to the source, in New Haven or NYC. That is like saying “That Ferrari is great, but I would rather take the body kit built on a Fiero”. Chicago has New Haven style restaurants and they are no where close to Sally’s or Pepe’s pizza. And who cares about best food per capita? That is a rather silly metric when you are simply looking at where is the best for X food.


Manhattan or Miami

Winter in Mia and summer in MANHATTAN

The rest of NY or Florida doesn’t count. Palm beach and Naples is for olden Goldies

Buffalo is flyover city to Toronto

Do you know what buffalo doesn’t have that the rest of the country does have though? A satanic cult of liberal pedophiles out for world domination through control of the media. So there’s that.

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Pizza over politics.