Car Wash Leased Vehicle?

I think there’s a spectrum between “filthy” and “paint corrected/ceramic coated.”



I default to “have washed 2-3x per month at my dealer chain’s closest location”

That pic shows nothing. Need a pic under direct fluorescent light or you’re not a detailer :stuck_out_tongue:

You are correct. My car is currently that…semi-gloss lol

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I only lease cars that I know I won’t buy in the future


I would only ever lease a German. I would buy a CPO Lexus again but this time not make the mistake of keeping it past CPO warranty.

@Electric Did the Lexus give you troubles after warrantee? Usually, everything you hear and read about Lexus is that they are trouble free.

It has, some.

The flagship model in a high option trim is bound to have an issue here and there as they age.

That’s the problem with silver or white. Doesn’t show its colors well but they hide dirt well.

Didn’t even de-contaminate paint with Iron-X. I’m sure there would be a ton of iron deposits in the paint, especially that the car has been sitting on a dealer lot for over a year (sun , heat, rain, snow , etc)

It looks fine now. Only had minor swirls

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I would absolutely love to properly hand wash my car(s) I used to do it every couple of months when I’d visit my parents. Now they’re 5000 miles away and I’ve only ever lived in apartments with no driveway or appropriate place to actually wash it, so it gets a quick spritz at a car wash place or a drive-thru wash about twice a year.

Meh depends on the metallic content and light conditions, but in general yes. A good sealant will add really nice depth.

The amount of rail dust on my 2018 Accord at delivery was amazing. And it’s white, so it was ridiculously noticeable. Dealer offered to fix I didn’t want their “detailer” touching my car :rofl:

I have been using these mitts for years. HIGHLY RECOMMEND over clay bars. I can strip all the paint contaminants out of a car in 20 mins.


I’ve always kept my leased vehicles in pristine condition, inside and out. Like Michael said above, a dirty car kinda diminishes the enjoyment of driving a newer vehicle.

I’m big on the Griots Garage products:

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This reminds of the 9-2X(another giant blunder by GM), these things had so much fall out on them, because they sat at the port forever. They looked pretty bad if you took a real close look, but by then they were on fire sale and cheaper/more equipment than a Subaru. We had no qualms calling them Saabaru’s either. Once gm put I think $7k or $8k on them I couldn’t get enough of them.


Is that the Saabaru?

Didn’t want to crash it though, people had problems finding body parts,


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Haha. I almost got one with a stick when they were $10k off, but it was just sooooo tasteless and sloppy how they half assed cobbled together a ‘Saab interior’. Oooooo center mounted ignition it MUST be a Saab!! The peak of GM badge engineering…

The 9-7X was actually a sneaky good vehicle, especially in comparison to how trashy the Trailblazer was. I’d take one with an LS2.

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The 9-7x was the nicest, of the what 10 different variations of that truck, even Oldsmobile and Isuzu had a version, also dead badges

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My Dad had a 9-7x, the amount of rebates he got for a purchase around bailout time were insane. It was pretty nice!

I prefer Suub

Spit shine Tommy…