Car Broker Etiquette

Some brokers are just like some salesmen who are just like some customers: they complain incessantly and without end.

A reminder: every little annoyance in your life is not required to be documented on the internet. You can (and should!) choose things to just let slide.


Personally I don’t care what time people text or call me, just don’t expect a response if it’s at a ridiculous time. My phone is muted when I go to bed and until I am out of bed for the morning, so it’s only getting attention if I want to give it attention.


That is different than trying to reuse a credit app from 3 years ago.

Agree. I was just sharing my experience.

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This is my go-to response to those insist on telling me everything that I already know, “I can help you achieve what you are looking to do, or I can listen to you whine and cry for the next 10 minutes. Which do you choose?”

I don’t think I’ve shared this story but I once had a user from here:

  1. Text me for a vehicle, I quote him
  2. He ghosts me
  3. Texts me 3 weeks later asking for another vehicle as if we had never spoken before
  4. I proceed to gauge his interest and remind him that the last time I quoted him, he ghosted me and didn’t respect my time (I sent several follow ups no reply)
  5. He half apologizes
  6. I quote him again
  7. He ghosts me again
  8. Texts me about a week later this time asking for program information on another car
  9. I ask if he was asking for a quote or if he was just trying to work his own deal
  10. He said he was trying to work his own deal
  11. I remind him that he hadn’t respected my time previously, and that I am not in the business of handing out program information. He complains that it only takes me a “second” to quote him and that I am not providing good customer service. (Normally if people are cool I’ve spent half an hour on the phone with people out of state helping them hack locally).
  12. He threatens to leave me a bad review if I don’t tell him the programs

Yeah I know it’s not a meme but it’s a relevant story, and it just goes to show the kind of shit that I’m sure we all deal with.


Some people man…

palllleaseeeee put that guy on blast.



I don’t know who the user is, they only texted me and they never left the bad review :man_shrugging:

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Reverse phone lookup :grin:

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I’ve definitely asked for a quote and said I’ll get back to you if I decide to proceed and may not have gotten back.

But agree with u a simple- hey I will pass, thanks would be nice.

You are his edmunds, bimmmerpost, LH and autobytel all in one!

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Honestly, have no issues with no response, I’d take offense at



Yeah, it was more that than anything else.

I’m going to get “booed” severely for this, but this may be a generational thing. No responses, ghosting or however people want to call it is just such a little b*(ch move. I don’t know if there is a right answer to this, but personally if I requested anything from anyone and then don’t go with them, I tell them that. If they want to know why, I’ll tell them that too. If they get belligerent, like we’ve seen from both dealer and customer sides, I’ll block them. The current way of doing business seems to work on the assumption that there will be belligerence at the end, so let’s just skip to blocking.


I’ve seen a spike in people just asking for programs or being coy and wanting them. Just be honest and upfront and most will oblige. We’re human too. OFC we have a snapping point, but seriously it’s getting out of hand. I’m not one to complain about people being rude after working in the hospitality/entertainment industry since I’ve held a work permit but it’s stupid, just ask.

re. ghosting - three words - tinder and snapchat.



Try Hinge, heard it’s better nowadays

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I think I’ll stick to selling cars. :wink:


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I just don’t visit the site as much right now, deals are tough and people will have to pay up if there’s no inventory

My thread, where I also ask people to please read before texting:

The texts I get:

And only because I really couldn’t help myself after a ton of this same message: