Can you list car on turo if you're leasing a BMW?

anybody know if you’re leasing a BMW if you can list it on a ride sharing service like Turo?

You have to check the details of your lease contract, but most people on this forum say no you cannot post your lease on turo.

that’s also what i’ve read but I also read that BMW is the lone company in which you can do this with.

I’ll call the finance department on Monday.

I kind of want to take over a lease of an i8 and rent it out one weekend out of the month just to offset some of the costs

Let us know what you find out. Curious as well.

update: the bmw financial rep that i spoke to says that you cannot rent your car out if you’re leasing it.

Do you have the exact wording in the lease? Thinking about renting my i3 our or drive with uber

Im not sure CAR SHARING is considered “renting out”

Since then BMW has added an option to their lease. For a fee of course, and only valid in California, Washington, and Oregon.

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Is there any additional cost for the BMW Car & Ride Sharing Lease?
A: Yes. The additional cost varies depending on the model. If you lease a BMW 2 Series, 3 Series, 4 Series,
5 Series, any X Model other than the X6, or the BMW i3, the additional cost to authorize car and ride sharing is $2,100 over normal lease cost. If you lease a BMW 6 Series, 7 Series, 8 Series, M Model, Alpina Model, or the BMW X6 or BMW i8, the additional cost to authorize car and ride sharing is $3,700 over normal lease cost. At the initiation of your lease, you may pay this cost in full or spread the cost out over your scheduled payments. If you choose to upgrade after the initiation of your lease, we ask that you have a credit card available to make a full payment.

cheap … so its 80-100 bucks a month on a lease to be able to lease it out

has anyone else seen any other company have an added policy like this??

Don’t mean to bump an old thread, but curious if anyone has done this.

Do they pro-rate the fee if you add it later in the lease?

I am definitely looking forward to having more Uber and Left rides in BMW :slight_smile:

I know plenty of people who lists their leased car on Turo and have had no issues. In event of an accident, Turo covers the bill for the repairs depending on what protection package you go with. In almost all cases, the leasing/finance company never find out and don’t really care as long as you’re making the payments

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several people have been sued by the leasing company.
this is just the info that was told to me by someone who has 75 cars on turo

Except when they do find out, you’ll be in a world of hurt. It’s definitely not worth the risk, no matter how small you might think it is.

Don’t be so sure about that.

That’s interesting. How did the leasing company find out?

The bigger question is, why do people think it’s ok to circumvent their lease agreement to make a quick buck? If it’s in your contract you can’t lease it out, why would you try and do it anyways? These same people trying to find a loophole or bypass the rules are going to be the same people bitching when their captive takes them to court for damages and not understand why. I’d also bet, if they lent their lawn mower to their neighbor only to find out the neighbor decided to use it on their landscaping run the next few days, all hell would break loose. I guess it’s ok to screw the big conglomerates, just not in reverse.

It’s like telling a little kid no…once they hear no, they have to try anyways.

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Why would it matter if it’s a slap on the wrist or a lawsuit? You’re in breach of contact. That’s not spreading FUD. I just can’t comprehend from a legal standpoint, let alone a moral one, why you would even consider it if you’re not allowed.

how will they even know?