Can a dealer back out of an offer sheet on a custom order?

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Long story short- custom ordered a BMW back in December using December incentives. Signed and dated offer sheet. Car is a performance center delivery and has already reached the performance center ready to be picked up. I have already made travel arrangements and everything.

February incentives on ordered vehicle are better. If I’m correct, i am able to choose between day of order and day of signing on which incentives i want to apply. Dealer does not want to apply February incentives and now unhappy about the entire deal and wants to back out altogether. Am i basically screwed and shit out of luck ?

You don’t get to choose incentives. You can choose either program in its entirety if you were locked =<60 days ago

That’s what i meant. I originally signed the December 2020 program and now it is time to sign and i want to go with the February program.

Just my guess but based on how OP worded his post I’m assuming they meant Feb programs but instead referred to it as incentives.

OP - what car is this? Aside from mf I don’t believe residuals changed.

Yes, that is what i meant. It is a BMW 430i. Residual and MF are the same. Lease cash has increased from $750 to $1,500.

Edit: MF is actually a negligibly higher but offset by that extra lease cash.

Is there more to the story than you shared? I don’t see why a dealer would want to back out altogether over increased incentives. It’s a fairly well known and standard practice with a custom order. Incentive money doesn’t come out of dealer pocket so I’m not sure why they would blow a sale unless something else happened.

Yea, it does not make sense that the dealer would want to back out, especially since the car has already been delivered from Europe to the Performance Delivery Center.

Nothing else. I asked for my December program to be substituted for the February program. They claim they are losing too much money on the deal now. I have a suspicion they were going to use the extra February lease cash to make up some of the initial discount? The general manager is supposed to call me back later today with some kind of resolution or “new offer”

Something seems off. They couldn’t have known in December that the lease cash would go up in the future. You might want to ask the GM what exactly is going on. Like I said, incentives don’t come out of dealer pocket so if the discount % remains identical, and if they’re losing money, the $ amount of money lost is exactly the same as it was in December when you submitted the order.

What’s the deal in its entirely and what state is the dealer in

If you do not sign today, you cannot get February offers. Is your 60 day lock about to run out?

Yeah, time is of the essence. I need to sign this today.

Here is the deal with February program: Only thing different for December was the lease cash and slightly lower MF.

2021 430i MSRP: 51,795.
10% off msrp
Selling price - 46,616
Months 36/12
Taxed Incentives/Rebates - 500 loyalty + 1500 lease cash: $2,000 total
Taxes on Incentives: $60 (capitalize upfront tax)
Acquisition fee-925
Dealer fee-699
Govt fee-100

Monthly payment pre-tax-
Monthly payment 3% NC sales tax- $564
Due at signing - $564

Well, if they’re dicking around, I’d pass and just get an in stock one from a broker on here. 10% is achievable no prob on that car

They are likely giving you the Feb programs, just don’t want to pass on the discount.


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