Anyone else just completely unable to get the calculator to load in Chrome?
I have tried everything, dumped the app, dumped all hidden caches, permission files, appdata, complete reset to scratch and no matter what I do and how much hidden data/files I delete, I cannot get it to work, but it works fine in Safari…
Access to that was being blocked by my Pi-hole, but this problem only just started today, and I think it’s because another extension that I have installed, Decentraleyes, which loads commonly used scripts locally instead of grabbing them from a server, somehow uninstalled itself. So Decentraleyes somehow disappears, the request now goes to the server, but the Pi-hole blocks it.
That was the confusing part, I would have never assumed my Pi-hole was the problem because Decentraleyes has been serving jQuery the whole time instead, so it “seemed” like nothing changed, and thats why trashing all permissions didn’t fix it, I needed that extension back to keep things working as I had them.