Calculator Issues in Chrome

Anyone else just completely unable to get the calculator to load in Chrome?

I have tried everything, dumped the app, dumped all hidden caches, permission files, appdata, complete reset to scratch and no matter what I do and how much hidden data/files I delete, I cannot get it to work, but it works fine in Safari…

Loaded right up for me

“It’s not me, it’s you”

You should be using DuckDuckGo anyway, with 2 or 3 VPNs routed through the Seychelles, Kirabti and Bhutan.

I like to route thru Mulukuku then Tegucigalpa personally.


Works fine here. Do you have any Chrome extensions that might cause interference?

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Trashed all of them. It’s really weird.

people have also complained that it does not open in safari on an iphone. score one for androids.

Your ad blocker is commendable

It can’t seem to load JQuery library:

try pasting this url in new tab in Chrome and see if there is response.

Should look like this:


This was it, so this is actually kind of funny…

Access to that was being blocked by my Pi-hole, but this problem only just started today, and I think it’s because another extension that I have installed, Decentraleyes, which loads commonly used scripts locally instead of grabbing them from a server, somehow uninstalled itself. So Decentraleyes somehow disappears, the request now goes to the server, but the Pi-hole blocks it.

That was the confusing part, I would have never assumed my Pi-hole was the problem because Decentraleyes has been serving jQuery the whole time instead, so it “seemed” like nothing changed, and thats why trashing all permissions didn’t fix it, I needed that extension back to keep things working as I had them.

Thanks for the help, all good now.


Awesome. There is probably ability to whitelist specific URLs in Pi-hole, if so, good idea to add google api urls to avoid stuff like that in future.


Yup, I did.