Calculator check for 2021 Alfa Stelvio Ti Massachusetts

I was wondering if you guys could check my calculator for a target deal I want to send to Alfa dealers near me. I confirmed mf and rv with Edmunds and incentives through TrueCar. I know 15% off is a long shot but want to make sure I have the other numbers entered correctly before offering.

Truecar as in purchasing? Those won’t apply to leases.

What did Edmunds have for incentives AKA lease cash?

Edmunds had $1000 lease cash but TrueCar had the attached incentives I thought I qualified for the loyalty ones since I have a Jeep lease ending. I misread and should only be $4000 in incentives if these are for lease.

Did you confirm incentives here?

I got $1000 incentive when I asked for mf, rv, and incentives on the forum. I assumed they only state the bonus cash and not loyalty incentives since not everyone qualifies for loyalty.

You could always follow up and ask about loyalty.

I will do that now thank you. I’ve been reading this forum for about a year but now that my lease is coming up it’s my first time putting everything into action.

I’ve seen them say on other threads “we don’t know about loyalty.”
You can check autobytel for incentives.

Some of these incentives/rebates might only apply to purchases and not leasing. You mentioned you have a Jeep. Although it is part of the FCA family, I would recommend checking directly with a dealer if that qualifies you for loyalty with Alfa Romeo.

In your calculator, you entered $4k in incentives. You are going have to update that.

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