Currently in process with a dealer regarding 2 ATS demos they have on their lot. Both with 5-6,000 miles and MSRP at ~$37,000 and are listed for sale at $29,900.
I offered a 1 pay lease of $7,500 for 39 months and 10k miles, or ~$190/month. They are considering it and will get back to me, but I am anticipating they counter at $8,500 ($220/mo). Taxes included.
If i make some estimations in the lease calculator, it comes out to be about a 13-14 on the lease hacker score.
Don’t forget, with a GM lease, you lose those miles in the lease contract. In other words, if you get a 2/24 term, you’re already 5k in the hole before you drive off the lot. You can, however, buy some or all of the miles back at inception for $.20/mile
@maguzma@305Hackr I remember the same as @mp11477 for Chevy/GM and think even @chevysalesgirl confirmed it. Chevy/GM demos don’t get any RV adjustment, but the miles do not start from when you sign the lease.
Just confirmed with Cadillac that the miles don’t count towards the lease. If the car has 5,000 miles and the lease is for 30,000 miles, they expect you to return it with 35,000
The demo miles do not count towards the lease. I do not know if $190/month will get the deal done, but please let us know @ghoffner how it goes. $220/month is still an outrageous deal. I do not think they will counter that low, but I am sending positive vibes your way!
with GM you have to be under 7500 miles to lease, maybe that’s why they don’t adjust. not sure. sold several demos and never adjusted RV. just super duper discount
This isn’t what I’ve been told, and I’ve seen it written from GM too. I’m on my phone now…will post screenshot tomorrow when I’m in front of my pc. I knew about the 7500 threshold.
The RV doesn’t get adjusted, I agree with that. But I’ve been told if the miles on the car are 2k, then you either buy the miles at .20/mi, or the lease loses the 2k miles and a 2yr 20k lease is now a 2k/18yr mile lease.
Specifically, "Maximum allowable mileage at inception - 7,500 miles on eligible models at inception. Vehicles with mileage between 1,001-7,500 require an initial mileage retroactive adjustment of $0.20 per mile, or the inception mileage must be deducted from the total contract mileage and accurately disclosed on the lease agreement ((Total Contract Mileage - Inception mileage) (Term /12) = Annual Allowable Mileage))
I also have an email confirming that if you don’t buy the miles at lease inception, you will lose them in the lease agreement. So, while there isn’t a RV adjustment per se, the demo miles can affect your overall mileage allotment if you don’t repurchase those miles.
So, @chevysalesgirl, and @ATLCadillac, I’m confused. You’re saying the initial mileage doesn’t matter, yet GMF says something different.
The miles already on the car count. I leased a demo ATS a few years go and that’s what happened. It might be cheaper to bump up to the next milage category. For example I only needed about 10k per year so I leased it at 12k per year to eat up the 3,xxx that were on the car. It was a 2 year lease. 270 including tax with zero DAS on a 44k car.
I leased two in a row for stupid cheap at the time. Car handles superbly - underrated in that aspect. But it is fairly dated now and the back seat and trunk are an absolute joke. Especially the trunk. I hope the ones you’re looking at at least have the fold down seat option. Ours didn’t and that was really limiting.
My suspicion is the dealer told @ghoffner the miles don’t matter because they’re buying them back as part of the deal, by baking ~ 1,000 back into the cost resulting in him losing 0 miles. Or, they are running numbers through USBank or Ally, which seems less likely.
Thanks for bringing this up everyone - I’ll be sure to get clarification on this today. However, 2 different dealers told me yesterday (verbally) that the miles on the car do not count against the lease. But again, I will get clarification on this today.
I’ve only used 20,000 of the 30,000 allotted miles on my current lease, so it shouldn’t be a huge problem…but prolly better to be safe than sorry.