⭐ Cadillac 2025 Lyriq Luxury 1 Loaner $400 + tax w/ $2000 DAS California - GCauto

  • California residents only
  • Tier 1 credit
  • Includes all dealer fees (doc, DMV, registration)
  • Broker fee: $599, refundable if we cannot honor deal
  • For other make and models visit GCauto.com
  • 100+ :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Hackr Reviews

:checkered_flag: California CADILLAC :checkered_flag:

:arrow_double_down: Scroll down to last page for latest price list :arrow_double_down:

:small_blue_diamond:Hassle-free :small_blue_diamond:Pre-negotiated :small_blue_diamond:Price guaranteed
Fill out a inquiry form or give us a text:
:calling: (669) 600-0355


Ill take 1

how much more for 15k miles?

Hi. I’m interested in getting one. Filled out ylur form just now

1 Like

Conquest is household or under lessee’s name?

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Can you give me a rough estimate for the AWD version for an NJ resident?

I own a 2020 c300, so I assume that qualifies for conquest, but I don’t have cosco.

PM me when you get some downtime.

What color?

Did it go?

I am from Washington state. How does out of state leases work ?

Hi I filled out your form yesterday. What color LYRIQ is available at this price?

Sent an inquiry this morning, what color is it, I’m in San Diego but will make the drive today

Hi, Is it possible with my wife’s costco membership? And I have 2023 Jeep CG 4xe. Is that applicable for conquest?

What about an AWD?

Just submitted my inquiry form. Thanks!

Do any Level 2’s ever come available with lease deals? The LYRIQ is likely going to be my next lease only because of Super Cruise and it looks like that’s only available on the level 2.



I submitted my inquiry form. Thanks!

I submitted an inquiry form for the Lyriq. Thanks

Looking for a RWD Lux 2 in Cali. Submitted inquiry.

Will this deal still be available in June?

Possible to share Lux 2 AWD or Sport 2 AWD with 12K miles? (including conquest, costco, etc.)