Sold out of etrons!

Seems if you renew a lapsed membership, Costco still considers you a member since the original sign up date. :+1:t3:

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For 339, the etron is a no brainer this month.


Are deals for Norcal as well?

Great deal, but it is not $339


Of course it is

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Not in the way @vhooloo and others look at the whole deal - the effective payment.


$339, $483… what’s the difference?

$15 per month cheaper to go with the 36 month term here too


More like around $540


Well, depends on if the DAS includes upfront taxes or not.

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Yeah, but with “339+tax, $3,800 DAS” my guess is the tax additional.
But who knows, this always confuses me.

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yah, I could see it going either way. The way it’s written would make me expect $3800 DAS + $339 * 1.whatever my tax rate is monthly, however, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to state a specific DAS amount without the upfront taxes factored in.

Suppose it could also be $3800 DAS + ($339* rate + amortized upfront taxes) monthly and that would qualify as $339+tax/$3800 DAS. @Samaudibh can you clarify which you mean here?

California does not collect upfront taxes .
So it’s simple
$3800 drives offs ( no cap reduction)
10 MSds
339’plus tax ( every CA county tax is different) it can go anywhere from 6.75% to 12%

It would probably quiet the herd if you posted a calculator link showing the DAS but I did my best to mock it up on a 36/10.

E-Tron Premium Calculator

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Except on cap reductions/incentives applied as cap reductions.

$3800 seems remarkably high for drive offs in CA without any cap cost reduction included. $895 acq, $85 dealer doc, $8-1000 in gov fees. What am I missing if not upfront taxes on some of the incentives?

Right, so at 9.5% makes it $371/mo + $3,800/24 = $529. Close to what I said.


There are almost $17000 in upfront taxable rebates .


Which circles back to the question above…

You’re showing monthly as pre-tax but the das as post-some tax, depending on tax rate. Should the tax rate be higher than what’s being assumed here, would the das amount change, the delta be amortized into the payment, or the delta absorbed to keep the payment $339+ sales tax on the payment and $3800 das? I’d assume one of the first two, but one could easily expect that the only variable tax is the sales tax on the monthly. There’s an $850 possible swing in upfront tax, depending on location.


not sure why anyone would do these deals currently when brokers are doing $330-$350 a month (similar mileage) all day right now in socal. 3800 DAS and no MSDs on 71k msrp metal.

posting a calculator like another user mentioned would also result in less confusion.

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The broker listings I have seen are slightly more per month, but without msds listed. Seems to be essentially the same price. Unclear if the broker listings include a broker fee. I’d rather pay msds than a broker fee personally.

I don’t think these are a bad deal, I’m just trying to clear up any confusion. The questions regarding the das amounts are equally applicable to all of the brokers listing monthly plus tax with the das after tax.