C8 joyride by mechanic

Theres a handful of members that have supercars and exotics on this forum apparently. I daily drive one. Its not about the money all the time, sometimes Its purely about principle.

If your a car person, you like to keep your stuff nice and this matters. Rich or not… If your not a car person, and just collect cars because you can, then of course this stuff doesnt matter.


You’re also responsible for the damage to their vehicle.


Today I learned rich people with nice cars don’t care what happens to their cars. Hood it, abuse it, sit on it; they’ll just shrug any bit of disrespect. That’s how disconnected from reality they are.

I can’t wait to be that rich.


First of all I wouldn’t assume how much money people have based on what they drive. I know people that have Lambos and cant afford the gas and I know people driving beater Hondas with millions in the bank.

With that being said, I am not going to talk about how much money I have but I can tell you I am better off than most and I have also had nothing. The amount of money I have in the bank would never change my view of this. You are postulating that since someone is rich they don’t care if their property is abused and their trust is breached? I vehemently disagree with you on that one. Now, Ethan may not care but that is just him and it has nothing to do with the amount of money he has.

Furthermore it’s really easy to say what’s the big deal and the person is overreacting…til it happens to you.


All I know is that next time I’m in midtown Manhattan, I’m walking up to the garage attendant and demanding the keys to the fastest thing in the garage under the premises that 1) I’m going to bring it back 2) since the person valet the car they don’t care if someone takes it for a joy ride since the car is meant to be driven 3) they really won’t care, there is a guy on the internet said that they won’t 4) it happens all the time in dealerships, so why not in city garages. come on, these cars are just standing here for weeks, they need to be driven!

I’ll report back with the results :roll_eyes:

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He doesn’t care until something bad happens to his car. It’s easy to not care in theory.


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What a luxury it would be to not care about your vehicles. Regardless of my level of wealth, I don’t foresee me ever being in that state. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I agree 100%. It isn’t about whether the car was damaged or not, it is the simple fact that it ISN’T your car. It is by no means your place to go for a joy ride and treat the vehicle as you please. Your job was to service the car & verify the service appropriately (not racing down the highway). Whether the car in question is a $2 million dollar Bugatti, or a $500 jalopy is irrelevant.

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A term I haven’t heard since my grandfather passed - nice!

100% agree.


I was just thinking about my grandfather this morning as I was reading another thread.

He still says, “You can’t go wrong with a Dodge.”

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Depends on what the end goal is. If you want to have an excuse to chill in a dealership waiting room, that’s true.

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Yeah, I’m sure that I received that term from one of my older relatives. :sunglasses:

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Which raises another interesting point - why does it seem that the older generations are more apt to be super loyal with one brand? (from my experience anyway) Our grandparents, for example, will often have one brand and stick to it (whether it be Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Buick, Cadillac, Etc.) I’m loyal/a big supporter of certain manufacturers, but not just one.

  1. there were less choices
  2. why do people support one sports team?
  3. generational problem of “I don’t like change”
  4. identify based on the products and the image they are supposed to convey
    there are so many reasons.
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  1. True. That and the fact of limited scope, I suppose. No internet, didn’t exactly have cars shipped to your door, no shopping out of state, etc.

  2. Different. Many of the younger generation will support one sports team, but will buy whatever vehicle they like the looks or price of.

  3. True

  4. Different. I don’t think that has so much to do with the difference in age. Younger people and older people alike purchase things solely on the image they portray; that is not more specific to one generation.

Just ask any NEW generation why they only buy Apple or Tesla. Same reason.
they liked what they got and they don’t need to ‘experiment’.

So this thread had me all sorts of paranoid when dropping off my rig earlier… :man_facepalming:

In any case, I tried a few of the things I picked up from this thread (left it dusty and requested no wash, reset the Individual trip stats, etc.), and I’m happy to report back that BMW Devon pushed it to a stunning average of 1.7 mph :rofl:.


better ask for some gas reimbursement LOL.

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