I’d be quite furious.
But was the driver ‘fast and furious’.
Hmm…3k extended warranty…is it worth the damage caused by racing at 150mph?
Maybe the mechanic just wanted to “set the seals” on the engine.
Stuff like this is always interesting to me. People say they would be mad, but mad at what exactly? It’s happened there is literally nothing you can do about it, and more than likely the person will get in trouble and you’ll just use a different mechanic next time.
What is also interesting is how often this may have happened with any given sports car in the past, but now with onboard data recorders people can actually find out about it. Query how long until mechanics get wise and delete the video?
Also, if this was a fresh off the truck car and the owner was scrupulous, I feel like he would have noticed a dozen or so added miles on the ODO as a tip off that this went for more than just a post-repair test drive.
I think being mad that someone is hooning in your special ordered, rare and expensive sports car (or any car for that matter) is justified. What other emotion should one have? High fiving the driver?
No but what is the anger going to do? The car has already been joyridden. You only know now because there is data or a camera. So if you didn’t know there really wouldn’t anything to be mad about. But maybe that’s just me, maybe I’m crazy.
A representative of a professional business using my property in an illegal and unnecessary way that significantly increases the risk of damage to my property?
or maybe you just like to take others cars for " joyride "
Yes, but if your property comes back undamaged what is the anger going to do.
I once had a new accord and they drained the gas tank and left wrappers in my car. I told the GM I didn’t mind if they needed to get home but to at least keep the tank full.
From rock chips to tire wear and gas use. There’s some monetary value that can be assigned.
But I’d prob just ask the dealer for 4 new tires and a tank of gas.
No one is saying you have to get “angry.” However, you can and should hold people accountable for their actions. If someone in a position of trust abuses that trust, then you have every right to ask that they face the consequences.
He asked for a free extended warranty. So must not be a lease.
I was thinking that plus brakes.
But, I’d still be concerned about long-term issues. What if it starts burning oil inside a few thou miles? May or may not be related to this incident. I might forego the tires and brakes in exchange for a 100k powertrain warranty. Although odds of me keeping it that long are pretty much nil.
Besides any tire wear, damage that you can’t easily see, consumed fuel, etc, it’s also indicative that they’re going to take the same risks next time.
Yeah, I said I wouldn’t go back to that dealership. Likely try to get a brand wide warranty and move on but typically for me anger never leads to anything positive. Need to be calm to deal with these kinds of insane situations.
One can be angry and calm. Being angry over the situation doesn’t have to mean kicking desks over in the dealership. It can also mean ceasing to patronize a business, pursuing remedies to potential damage, exposing the behavior, etc.
Brakes would be a good idea also… But if its me, he should sell the car, make the 15k premium and reorder another car. Dealer can bump him up the line a little.
everyone can be whole.