Buyout Accord Lease

Hi All,

I’ve seen some conflicting information online regarding buying out my lease from Honda.

Can I use my credit union to finance at the buyout amount, or do I have to finance with Honda? I plan on calling Honda tomorrow but figured I’d ask here as well.

Where have heard that you HAVE to finance with Honda Financial Services? I doubt any manufacturer can force you to use their bank.


You should be able to pay any way you choose.

I’ve heard of some dealers/brands insisting on you completing the transaction at their location (and of course charging a fee). They may waive the fee if you finance with Honda Financial or a bank of their preference.

Otherwise just generate your payoff documents online and send the check from your CU, assuming they give you the best rate.

The 3rd party terminology was confusing me. I understand I couldn’t trade it in to a Chevrolet dealer if I wanted, but wasn’t sure if I had to be the buyer of the lease (cash) or could obtain financing elsewhere.

You could sell it to any Honda dealer, or likely any dealer group with a Honda store. For example,
You could sell to ABC Chevrolet if they also own ABC Honda 3 towns over.

Understood. Looking to purchase the lease as the finance charges over the 3 years will be about the same as if I finance it. Of course I found this site after leasing it and I see Accords are generally better to finance in the long term. :slightly_smiling_face:

Login to your HMF account and request the payoff amount and instructions. If there isn’t a dedicated link/function to get it just send an online message.

No, that would most likely be illegal under federal antitrust law. IANAA.

Thank you everyone!

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