We live in NJ, and buying an EV out of state - MD. The dealer is saying that their software is showing 6.25% sales tax. But NJ has no sales tax for EVs.
How should I approach?
We live in NJ, and buying an EV out of state - MD. The dealer is saying that their software is showing 6.25% sales tax. But NJ has no sales tax for EVs.
How should I approach?
IMO Unfortunately You will not win. Try another dealer.
They are saying that they will refund if NJ state doesn’t charge this amount during registration.
Did anyone experience this earlier?
Maybe this will be helpful? It details the forms and language needed, as well as a method for a consumer to request a refund if they are charged tax. If they’ve ever done a tax exempt sale before for any other reason (non profit, etc) then they should be able to handle this.
“Here in NJ we don’t charge sales tax for full electric vehicles according to N.J.S.A. 54:32B-8.55“
Also tell them you’ll need to fill out an ST-4 Form:
Thank you.
Not sure, why is their software showing taxes after including a zip code from NJ.
The tax exemption isn’t automatic. It must be documented, even at a NJ dealership you must fill that form out.
Happened with my FL dealer on EQS. I showed him on google and he said okay no worries. I assume there is a paper you need to fill out. If your dealer isn’t budging, walk away. NJ isn’t going to refund you anything but most likely they will be pocketing it
The dealer can’t pocket sales tax charged though, that would be a good way to get into a boatload of trouble. There is a way after the sale to request a refund of the tax from NJ, as long as it’s an eligible zero emissions vehicle you bought.
send them an ST4, but from what it sounds like, this dealer doesnt have a clue. You’re better off buying in NJ and capturing chargeup, if any.
I meant it as dealer would pocket it hoping customer is clueless on it after the fact they know they were wrong.
Can we complete this form and send it to dealer?
I suppose part of this would depend on whether the vehicle in question is eligible for Charge Up. Unless the discount being offered on the car is significantly better than what NJ is offering then it’s probably just easier to deal with a NJ dealer.
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