Buyer's remorse support group

Here you go, we feel for you :slight_smile:



There’s some irony in there somewhere lol.

This forum by default is probably a support group for most members.


Isn’t the biggest Irony that @ursus paid over 300 for his S60 and I paid 250 on a model with Higher MSRP? There there

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And to be honest, the S60 is the one car I never felt any remorse about.
The RAM yes
The Tacoma yes
The highlander Yes
The i3 yes.
Not the S60 lol

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I never pretended that my deal was a leasehackr deal :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Moreover, I also had $1,700 equity as CCR, so with the real zero down it would’ve been around $380/mo with zero DAS on a 42.5K MSRP. And no remorse or regrets whatsoever, I knew what I was getting :point_up:

hey, @max_g would be proud of you beating the 1% rule at least :smiley:

You know how I really feel about 1% :wink: Besides, considering VA tax on full price, 53% RV, $699 dealer fees and (I think) marked up acquisition fee - it’s not that bad.

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Haha, definitely the first-est of first world problems.

Why I’m remorseful: If I had waited two days, I would’ve saved $1,000 off the MX-5. No regrets. No regrets. No regrets.

Would remorse be the same as missing their old car? I’ve had my Mercedes C300 for ~6 months now, but I really miss the comfort of my 2015 Hyundai Genesis. The C300 has 3 rattle-issues that is driving me nuts - the Genesis had no flaws, naturally. What a white stallion it was…

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It’s the same remorse but turned 180 degrees :wink:

It’s called seller’s remorse. When I sold the highlander to lease a newer one, I felt had let it go too cheap lol…
When I turn in the S60 and nobody could match it, I almost wished I could have held on a little longer (and I did 2 full months).

Half the people on this site are probably here due to a previous bad deal. It’s a learning process that never ends.

Can’t hate on the game, just get @Ursus to give you a hug. You will feel better. I know I did! :rofl:

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I’m one of those. Nearly $600 a month for a Golf R. Should’ve just bought it. Solid car, stupid deal.

Another reason I’m here is because I’m addicted to the cars and the numbers.

I used to run a tech deals site 14-19 years ago and many visitors {hundreds of thousands a month) were gadget and tech addicts. Repeats who just couldn’t get enough of scoring killer deals on tech products.

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That’s the utlimate hackr. You gotta to know when to lease’em and when to buy’em.

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