BONUS DRIVE - Don't forget to apply

Do you need insurance from All-State to collect money or any insurance company

You do not need to have Allstate to apply through the Allstate site.

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just leased a hyundai tuscon.
i applied, i am weary because it says you have to be a ‘allstate policy holder’ in terms, but the guy who recommended it to me earlier said you don’t have to as its coming from Hyundai. So fingers crossed here. I did not get an email confirmation but hoping it all checks out. explicitly states that you do not need to be a member to apply.


hahaha oh boy

“Need not be an Allstate policyholder to take advantage of this offer.”
I totally misread lmao, that “not” is just easy to skip through ^^

No worries. You’re not the first person I’ve had to send then screenshot to :sweat_smile:

For FCA cars also all you need is to own a competitive brand. Thats how i got 250 for my jeep.

received the check today, about 2 months after i submitted it. $250 for my scat charger