Worked a deal up and your thoughts or reactions welcomed… BMW XM Label (B&O, but no M Driver’s):12.5% off of MSRP of $192,495; in addition to MSRP discount want to layer in the $9,900 lease incentive; $1,000 loyalty; $1,000 corporate fleet (my company has a promo code I’ve used for my other BMWs); asked for freebies on: all-weather mats, BMW wall charger, and enclosed shipping to my house ($1,000 estimated delivery cost). Leasing for 36 months 7,500 miles/yr; zero down; 7 MSDs; MF at buy rate; also asked for upfront negotiation of miles over and above 22,500 at $0.15/mile. Super appreciate your feedback…
what’s your payment?
My WAG says $1700+tax/month.
OP - what is the draw of the XM? Genuinely curious
@li8625 please explain … XM has no rear seat foot rests and no big ass screen.
The reason why I wanted an XM was that I thought dealers would be fire saling them so it would be a cheapish lease
Cheapish lease on a$192K vehicle? What is your definition of cheap? I can’t wait to hear what the dealer came back with for a payment.
Who needs a dealer to come back with a price? Should know the answer based on the target deal put together before reaching out to a dealer.
I’m not saying it worked lol. My motivation was the fact that I expected XM to be sold for super cheap. unfortunately they aren’t at this time. I mean dealers are already advertising 35k off an XM red label including incentives.
Dealers are moving on price…I inventoried most deals I found on the discussion boards and the MSRP discounts before BMW incentives are ranging from 4% to 14%…I think the 4% was a deal from last year. That is getting “cheap” relative to those who paid full MSRP or had only a modest discount from last year. Question is what does waiting another 1-3 months do to the discounts and BMW incentives?
My payment is $2,045.26
We worked up a $2045.26/month payment. This includes 7 MSDs. RES was 55%. MF (post MSD MF reduction) was 0.00188.
My honest reaction is anyone must be out of their mind to spend $73,000+ to drive a non-exotic for 22,500 miles.
Like driving a Ferrari or 911 would cost you less
You could outright buy an X5 for that money and get back half, maybe more, after 22k miles
LOL. Cars aren’t rational my man. I already own an X5. I don’t fit in rari’s or 911’s and hate the way they look…speaking of irrational, i HATED the XM until it grew on me…and voila, here I am…blessed to make stupid car decisions…
Unless you expect that infatuation to last, 36 months is a long time to be stuck with something very polarizing to say the least. You could be in a 12 or 24 month Cayenne lease instead, for example, assuming a Taycan doesn’t fit you.
Either way it’s a free country and no one’s going to stop you. Not aware of any XM data points on the forum so you’d be the guinea pig or pioneer whichever way you look at it. GL.
When a car payment is $50.00 more than my mortgage payment. Amazing what car payments are these days
Depending on where you live and when you bought your house, the 200K sticker price on the XM may be more than you paid for your house.
Are we really pretending to rationalize a lease on a 190K car? There’s no world that doesn’t feature bright red noses on everyone where you’re going to talk an XM shopper into a one of the many soap bar shaped cars being given away for tHe FuNdAmEntAlS.
Just get the best deal possible and roll with it if that’s what you want.
There are only 500 Label Red’s being made by BMW worldwide. I don’t think it makes sense to compare a normal mortgage payment against a lease on a car that will likely sell fewer units than a McLaren Artura (also a PHEV). The Label Red is meant to rival exotic cars.
Just passed by bmw Manhattan- they have one on the floor - boy it’s ugly
The suprise was the 760 sedan - seats are so soft and the sound system is nice - bet the ride is sublime
Audi Manhattan had the Rs3 and 3 R8’s lined up
Benz Manhattan had 4 EQ’s lined up
Best experience as far as feeling welcomed was BMW followed by Mercedes
Audi had some mean mugging Eastern European guys working the sales floor