BMW X1 sDrive 2021 - Deal review

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Agreed. the market is really rough right now.

@skyline31518 and @notaleasepro - As I understand, best lease are generally keeping 2 lowest (MF and MSRP) and 1 highest (RV) ; Given BMW won’t negotiate MF, and I have pushed to get the lowest possible MSRP, and they are not willing to budge on MF, is there anything else you would try to squeeze?

Finally, I did review all the market place deals, and reached out to several SOCAL dealers. None of them are willing to discuss MSRP better than 6-8%. thanks again for any insights.

If all the marketplace deals are this bad, then that might just be what the market is.

I’d probably try reaching out to a broker.

Your number looks good, 11%(you can try to push 12%) before incentives with base MF in NorCal is hard to get in the current market.
Do you have the fully break down screenshot?
Current market is around 6%~8% before incentives, most dealer marked up the MF to 0.00133 from 0.00093.

I know you didn’t ask this, but the X1 is just not an impressive vehicle. We had one for 3 years before our X3 and the IMO the X3 is vastly superior in just about every respect.

Not sure what the cost difference is now, but for us in 2019 it was about $45/mon more for the upgrade and it was money well spent.

If you have driven the X1 and you like it, disregard my comments.

@Speedy - totally agree. I definitely think the X3 is better ride. The lady is stuck on the X1. If you want to talk to her, let me know :)))

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