BMW Windshield OEM or Aftermarket?

Pilkington is OEM for BMW and Mini as well.

OP, I wouldn’t worry about issues if you got a Pilkington replacement.

Hope this works - also turning in a windshield that got a crack from a dump truck on the highway.

When I first filed the claim, the insurance person recommended I not replace until closer to lease-return in-case it got another crack and boy was she right: I got another crack 8 months later. Difference in quote was ~$300 aftermarket vs $1.2k+ OEM.

No HUD but do have auto-rain sensors on my car. I think I’ll give the dealer a call closer to turn-in and get it straight from their mouth in terms of what they’d require for replacement (or cost of fine which I’ve also heard may be cheaper).

I’m curious what BMW charges for a windshield on turn in

Did your insurance specifically say 1 glass claim per year or something? Never heard of that. My dad had a string of bad luck and needed 3 windshields in 1 year. Never had an issue. I suppose YMMV based on carrier.

That said, I’d be shocked if the inspector checked the name on the window to see if it was OEM or aftermarket. In all my inspections over the years, I never saw one checking glass names

Thank you. Ill look into it.

They said it can be up to $2500 (labor included)

Actually someone crashed the car from behind and now he’s getting all the treatment he needs therefore insurance price has gone up. If this windshield is going through insurance, then the price will sky rocket as the agent told me…

BMW currently charges $1550-2100 JUST for the windshield and around $175-200 per hour for labor. I called around 6 dealerships to get this quote in NJ.

BMWFS tells me I need to get it fixed at a shop where it is BMW certified…with original BMW part…then I ask if aftermarket equipment is allowed at a certified shop and they repeat the same as if its by the books. Is this a bloat? They never give me a clear straight up answer.

Just making sure , are you confusing what the DEALER charges and what BMWFS charges?

The Leasing company usually charges a wholesale figure without labor involved.
Ex : VW charged me $200 for a heated windshield that I broke. There is no way I could pay $200 to get it replaced.

The price above was all dealer price and when I said “upto $2500” = it is what BMWFS said.

Local glass shop has Guardian Glass and will charge me $695. Pilkington and Guardian seem to be at the same level. Did anyone hear about Guardian brand?

BMW FS has a pre set charge for a broken windshield, it’s certainly not $2,500… Any aftermarket windshield that works with rain sensor and HYUD should be OK based on my limited experience at lease turn in.

Thank you.

My local glass shop is charging Guardian Glass for $695… and Pelkington for $1300.
I hate this situation lol

So back to the original question. When we return the lease, will bmw accept an aftermarket glass which is covered by most insurance after paying deductible. Or if we are replacing a windshield do we have to get an OEM part (usually have to pay 350 in addition to deductible) as most people do not have the full glass insurance policy.

At the lease return inspection, will bmw call out that we do not have a bmw OEM windshield and make us pay more money if we chose to let insurance replace the windshield with aftermarket glass that is covered by insurance?

Has the family failed to make the 21st century?

Is the fine amount same as the final bill from BMW Financial? Or will it be different?