BMW M440 Convertible 36/10 Custom Order 820 (tax inc) + 2500 DAS

I have this deal for a custom order m440 convertible, the price difference is really noticeable from the coupe and I can’t get 9-11% off of MSRP like the coupe. Do you think I can do better or this is as good as it gets? Are there any incentives I can use?

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 BMW M440 Convertible Custom Order
MSRP: $72200
Selling Price: I don’t know
Monthly Payment: $820
Drive-Off Amount: $2500
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10K
MF: 0.00086
Residual: 57
Incentives: Loyalty $500
Region: SoCal

Doesn’t look signed, moving to “ask the hackrs” sub

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Hi, your MF is wrong - it’s 0.00086 right now. Either way, I have a build about to go into production at 10% off and base MF if you want it.

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Hello Mohiwoods,

Did you sign the deal? Could you please dm me which dealer gave you those discounts?

Thank you,

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