BMW M4 Comp Heritage Edition

No worries brother. Appreciate you 100%

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Ask for 11% off and see where that gets you… But as other brokers have said, they can get you at 10% off already, what r u waiting for?

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No problem. I wouldn’t expect a unicorn deal but I am sure he will do an aggressive number.

You can almost see my desk from there -


:grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

I’ve been offered THE most prestigious “Fields Advantage” as a counter offer :sweat_smile:

Will keep working on it :smiley:


This car will be old hat very shortly. A nice car for sure, but the 4 series in general is about to look and feel very archaic as soon as the new one drops. I may pursue antique plates for my 2019 :grin:

Stupid question but does the heritage addition include the competition package? Personally I would avoid any M4 without it.

The offer isn’t bad though. Only $20/mo more than what @IAC is offering.

And yes the Heritage edition includes the comp package. And to each their own, but I ordered my M4 without the comp package since the comp doesn’t have lumbar support and I did a stage 1 tune.

Why don’t you do your own research instead of begging people to help you?

And if you want someone to walk you through the entire process, then pay them, i.e. hire a broker.