BMW Loaner Deal?

Is this a good deal on a BMW 430i GC loaner?

MSRP 48445
Cap Cost 33800
Drive Off 2000
MF: .02270 (no acq fee)
Residual 50%
Monthly: $408 (pre tax)

No rebates due to mileage (6900).

Term 36/10

What is your discount before rebates? Is that MF in lieu of the acquisition fee?

Need lease length/mileage terms, break out of incentives, clarification of MF and double checking on your own calculation but looks very strong based on cap cost alone.

No rebates. MF in lieu of acq fee.

Updated topic.

Seems so so, that payment with zero DAS might be a little more enticing

What’s payment like for 24mos?

Not sure you’ll do much better. But man if this had 4999 miles it’d be killer.

Discount is good for what it is. Residual is killing you. One with under 5k miles would have a similar cap cost if you got 20% off before incentives, but it would have a far better residual.

As stated above, find out what it would look like at 24 mos.