BMW Leasing Wiki

At one point this was correct.

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Do you know what’s the current min/max miles threshold for demos being eligible for BMWFS new car lease incentives

I will have to pull it up, but I believe loaners got bounced back to 15,000 miles if not already retired.

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While I don’t know the specific threshold, keep in mind and you may well already know this in that bmw loaners are subject to a RV penalty. Which can offset or minimize the benefits where as in prior years that penalty didn’t exist. Point being is that a loaner isn’t automatically a better value than maybe it was in previous years.

Wow so much has changed.
@BMW_Dave @IAC if you guys know the demo mileage lease support & incentive thresholds, I’ll ping Michael to update the wiki.

PS do you know if there’s still $7500 lease cash on 2022 BMW ix loaners? Exec demos should be coming off BMWNA auction soon I’d think


Could we get clarifications here please?

  1. What is the upper mileage limit for a demo/loaner to be leased with new car programs?

  2. What is the upper mileage limit for a demo/loaner to be eligible for new car incentives (lease cash, etc)?

Based on @IAC latest posts in this thread, it sounds like the answer to both questions above is 15k? But the quote in the OP from @BMW_Dave seems to imply 7499 is the upper limit.

  1. Is there a lower mileage limit for a demo/loaner to be leased with new car programs?

In the OP, both 4000 and 4500 are stated as lower limits. What happens to loaners with less miles than this minimum, they can only be sold CPO?


Can someone help clarify the MSD amount? The wiki shows:
" * Multiple Security Deposits (minus .00004 per MSD, up to a maximum of .00028)"

But the calculator shows

A dealer told me it should be 0.00004.


It’s .00006 with 7 maximum to .00042 reduction.

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Thanks for confirming! Seems wiki is out of date.

Are there any bulletins or official documents I can use to show the dealer so that they use the proper number when discounting the MF? Or any other suggestions I can try other than “that’s what LeaseHackr said”…. :rofl:

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Tell them you called BMW Financial and asked them. Probably the path of least resistance.

Can anyone post the full text of the Loyalty incentive? For example, is there a year cut off or a minimum length of ownership required?

There is no technically no year cut off, no minimum length of ownership, but if you’re planning on a buying some 1990-whatever rolling chassis just to get loyalty, know that you need to register and insure it to be able to get loyalty. I wouldn’t do it. It’s not worth it.

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How is the purchase price of the car at end of lease calculated?

Residual+Payments Remaining+Buyout Fee less unearned interest.

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So these factors are all determined at time of initial lease signing, then?

Yes, the RV is the purchase option price at lease end.


We need to update the MSD data. It’s actually 0.00007 each on the east coast and 0.00004 each on the west coast. A one-pay is a 0.0003 reduction on both coasts. FYI, the calculator is wrong on this, @littleviolette and @michael.

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Hi All - didn’t see anything too clear in my search.

Do demo cars that are for sale qualify for the $7500 EV leasing incentives? For example, a dealer near me has a bunch of 2023 i4s with less than 100 miles and are categorized as Demo/Loaner inventory.

Bulletins say nay. Just standard writedowns.

What is the current MF? Deciding on a lease vs. buy and initially, the rates look about the same from what I am seeing.