BMW leasing questions

These are some amazing deals!

I have a lease coming due in June, so 3 more lease payments. I know BMW is ending lease service on 2018 models at the end of this month so it may be the best time for a great deal on 2018s. Would you guys recommend just eating the lease payments (about $1800 left, which includes tax) and getting in a 2018 deal (loaner or new - mainly looking at X3m40i or 5 series)?

Or do you think it’s worth waiting since there’s no pull ahead program and that’s essentially another $1.8K down? My gut is telling me the deals in June won’t be as good, especially given there will only be 2019 models, but not sure if it’s worth eating the $1.8K now, but curious to get your thoughts here.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: What would you do? Help on next lease