BMW Lease End Buyout


I’m coming up on end of lease on my 2019 X6.
Got a ridiculously good deal on a demo back in June '19.
Only paying $635/mth including tax.
BMW has extended the lease for 2 more months.
The car only has 17K miles and the buyout is $38K.
The car is selling in the low $50K’s, so I definitely have equity in the deal.
Based on current lease deals, I won’t get into a car that nice for even close to that payment.
Seems like a no brainer to buy out the lease.
Would love any feedback if I’m missing something.

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See what the BMW dealer will give you so you don’t have to pay TTL?

Local dealers have barraged me with emails offering to buy the car. Not sure I have the mental bandwidth or time to deal with getting dealer quotes. None of them will give me a quote without having me waste an afternoon at the dealership. BMW has tied my hands by not allowing 3rd party buyouts.

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None of your local dealers will do an offer online?

No. They want to do a full appraisal of the car in person. They figure if they make me sit in the dealership for hours, they’ll sell me something else. Instead it’s just going to piss me off.

Well it depends on how $2-3k TTL will cost you compared to the hours sitting in a dealership.

But Honestly, I haven’t had a dealer take more than 30 mins to price out a used car. Buy a car? That’s 4 hours, but price out a used car by the USED CAR MANAGER, 30 mins max.

Edit: Carmax took an hour, but they were busy.

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I’ll probably end up going to the dealership.
Too much potential equity not to give it a shot.
Thanks for your response.


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