BMW i3 REX Lease 30months 12K - $326.54 before tax + 1722 drive off


Hi Hackrs,

Would you please review the below deal?
This is for 30months 12K deal.

MSRP: 55145
Initial Cap Cost: 48145
Lease Cash: 9500
MF: 0.00152
Drive off: 1722.04
Monthly before tax: 326.54

Closed the deal today.
I decided to go with one-pay to save few bucks.
One pay total = $11401.65 (8.75% tax)

After PGE and State rebate = $81401.65

revised original post

What’s the breakdown of the driveoffs?

Acquisition fee 925 + 1st month pay + registration and tax

Where are you located?

I am in NorCal Bay Area

I got another dealer saying he will match this, but won’t say that he will beat it. I guess this is the best I can do for now.
If anyone is interested PM me I will pass you the contact of one of these two dealers.

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Can you post or PM me a pic of the actual paperwork. I am currently working on an i3 deal in SoCal, and my dealer doesn’t believe people are getting better discounts. Did you qualify for the fleet discount?

Here is the pic of the paperwork.
I got $6500 dealer discount and $500 fleet discount, so total $7000 discount
You can see that the agreed upon price is 48145 which is 7000 off from MSRP 55145

2nd page showing tax and fees number

Thank you. This will really help!