BMW Discount programs

Different factories can source parts from the same supplier but the factories’ of the supplier may have been subject to different constraints. Like any vehicle on here, it’s typically a combination of things to make it a relatively speaking good deal.

For BMWs to start being talked about on LH as they once were would require at least several levers moving around in favor of the customer including a higher rv, lower mf, incentives, and the dealer contribution would need to go from the 4-6% range back to 10-12%. As many people keep snapping up allocations and inbound inventory I’d be reluctant to think enough levers would move in the right direction for this to work. I’d love nothing more than to see BMW deals on here and not read about the Frontier & 4Xe for a little while I just do not think it’ll happen soon.

Also keep in mind the So African factory that also produces the 3 series.

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I think a few South African X3s have been showing up in the US. Might be mistaken.


Yes there are some of those as well. Typically only using them for resupply cars and not as customer order cars due to lead time.

If you had a finite supply of parts, you’d prioritize making SUVs for the US market over sedans.

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