BMW Dealers Not Wanting To Deal Via Email and MSRP Pricing


Why do you think I can’t afford the payment, are you trying to say I’m broke? Others have gotten 7%-8% off an X5 and 3-4% off an X5 m50i. I’m getting over MSRP, MSRP or 1-2%. Why would I overpay when others are getting bigger discounts. People don’t get rich or stay rich throwing money out the window. If I could save 3,4,5 thousand on a car and put that money into my kids college fund instead of burning it for no reason? Surprised your titled as an industry folk and you have a crappy attitude like that.

why do you need a BMW – why not get a Subaru or a Toyota? If you really want to save??

Keeping up with the joneses or is it for the potential mistress –

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It’s not about the savings, it’s the passion I have for the car. I love driving BMW, I don’t drive it for the badge. I know more about the cars then most of the dealers I talk with. Some of them could care less what they are selling as long as they can move it. I hate to feel like I’m getting ripped off because of my region. NYC area others are willing to pay full price or overpay, other parts of the country I see people getting better discounts.

Saw your second part, could care less what people think of what I drive. I have my windows tinted 5% and my windshield tinted 35% you can’t see me inside of my truck driving. Like I said I have a passion for the brand and love the way it drives.

Given where the BMW market is about to head in the next few months, MSRP will be considered a deal. BMW drastically misinterpreted the impact to them from the parts shortage. Dealers are getting allocations slashed left and right.


Get a Subaru – I hear they drive oh so wonderful – come back in a few years when BMW is back for the peasants

Not with brand new cars. Most deals were demo/loaner units with 5-8k miles, which probably created an assumption that BMWs can be bought at 10-15% discount, which is not true in general.

10-12% pre-incentive with inflated rvs and high incentives were very common on most brand new BMWs for a long time here.


My attitude is not the crappy one here. But let me remind you of what you actually posted.

Based on what you said, only rich people can afford a BMW if every person is buying at MSRP. Therefore, you are not rich if you are looking for a discount. And if you need a discount to afford a BMW, then you should not be buying a BMW and rather its much more affordable German cousin, a VW.

Rich people don’t stay rich throwing away money, but they also now that their time is valuable and it is the one thing they can’t buy more of (at least not yet). Why deal with the pain of waiting several months to save a few thousand when they can have it now, enjoy it now, and not worry about what could happen with an order (delays, allocations, etc.).

Now it is a different story if you are saying from a values standpoint, you deserve a discount because everyone is getting one. But that is not the argument you presented with that comment.

I fail to see what tinted windows and passion for BMW have in common. Usually I see limo tints on older 3 series and 7 series that kids pick up for dirt cheap.


Then find a dealer that’ll do what you want or work with one of the brokers here. No one said that they were getting the 7-8% discounts by just asking their local dealer how much they wanted them to pay.

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Do you use turn signals on the BQE?

I’m not a dealer but here what I found in “Share A Deal” before 03/31/2020, most of them are demo/loaner units:

Most of them? Of the first 10 listings, only 2-3 (the M760 is unclear) are demos/loaners.

Of the ones that aren’t:
i3 @ 13%
X5 @ 13%
330 @ 13%


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10-12% off new in-stock BMWs were so common before, there was no need to post a Share A Deal. Pretty much every BMW broker on here offered those discounts.


Oh i’m sure it was that’s why I posted the playful gif. Just don’t get me mixed up with NYC_BMW


If it’s not about the savings and it’s all for the passion then why not just suck it up and pay a little more for something you LOVE.

So then why are you contacting all the dealerships surrounding the NYC area if you already came to the conclusion that other parts of the country people are getting better discounts? Call a dealership in Pennsylvania or Virgina and see how you make out lol.

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OP sounds serious, he has tinted windows.


Buy now or be priced out forever… :rofl:

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Yep, Share a Deal was essentially a lease a BMW board a couple years back.

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Tinted windows was a bad analogy. Was trying to say I’m not driving it around for people to see me. Not sure where you live but half the Mercedes, BMW, Range Rovers here are tinted. I was saying in the past, before the pandemic rich people would walk in and pay MSRP with an inflated MF.

Yes you do have a crappy attitude. Your titled as industry folks and you just came to troll my name and imply I can’t afford to drive an X5. I asked to see if others in my area were having trouble like I am. Why not come and offer a solution or give advice if you are in the industry?

I’ll give a broker a try, tried one dealer in PA same thing. I’d rather get 6% from a broker then 1% from a dealer