BMW dealer applied MSD as Down payment?


Curious if anyone has ever dealt with this before and how they resolved it. First time utilizing MSD’s and I provided $4500 to the dealership, I’m returning my car in June and inquired how the $4500 is provided back to me and was told that it isn’t, and that the $4500 was taken as a down payment instead……

I know I can reach out to the dealer etc etc but planned on returning it elsewhere and wondered if anyone had experience

What does your contract show?



In the event it is a refundable security deposit, BMWFS will send you a check in the mail after subtracting the disposition fee and any excess wear fees. It won’t come from the dealership.

MSD shows $1 on the contract… hoping it was just a mistake and not nefarious.

How would something like this get resolved?

What about the $4500? Does it appear as cap cost reduction?

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Sounds like you are SOL if MSD not indicated on contract. Sorry, but that’s why they need to be read and all verified before signing…but per Blue you need to post contract to really tell.


Was this a dealership in New York?

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Yes, it is, why?

Dealers in NY cannot legally do MSD’s.

Did someone at any point in the process suggest to you that you could, or did you ask for them and they just had no idea what you were talking about and did a down payment?


Ok well now that makes sense… I asked him and he said ok. guess he didn’t know what an MSD was?

Kinda sucks.

Yeah… sounds like you’re SOL if the contract doesn’t note MSD.

Sadly it sucks because you didn’t know what you were doing either. Can you answer what does your contract say about how the $4500 was applied? You also should have noticed the MF reduction MSDs exist for.

More than likely incompetence in this situation.

Unfortunately, you agreed to pay $1 in msds and the rest as a down payment.

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If the dealer deposited $1 in an msd I’d fight them for $750, the upper limit for security deposits that don’t have to be escrowed separately.

But everyone agreed to $1 when they all signed the lease contract. That’s going to be a difficult fight to try to have, especially with not a very explicit paper trail from the salesman… which even then would be a major uphill battle with a mutually agreed on lease contract.

I was gonna say, if MSD’s aren’t even legally allowed, can $1 even be put in there? :man_shrugging:

The NY law is a bit more nuanced than just “no MSDs allowed”

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I had the same thing happen to me. Did you get the MF reduction? In my case, the finance manager didn’t do it right. we discussed max MSD, he reduced the MF accordingly, and i wrote him a check for DAS, picked up the car and went home and realized the MSD was actually recorded as CCR. So basically, got a lower MF AND reduced monthly payment on top of it (due to CCR) but i won’t be getting MSD back at the end of the lease. I just took it as is. i may even be a little ahead, who knows.