Hello. Sorry, I know this is a lease forum but I have been looking into getting an BMW CPO and was wondering if any hackrs have some experience to share.
How much of a discount could I expect from the listed price? I know in Socal, the market is competitive so it looks like we have the lowest average price in the nation but do you think another 1-2k off the list price is reasonable for say, on 535i? They usually go for 25-26k and would like to get into one in 23-24k range.
Take a look at my experience of ownership with BMW CPO before you jump in. CPO was also a lot better than it is now with longer warranty and maintenance. Keep in mind even with CPO BMW does not include the tech warranty. 535i has the same engine if I’m not mistaken so you might expect similar things that I got to enjoy plus the benefit of paying sales tax on the total purchase price.
Thank you 26-2, this is exactly what I was looking for. I have been leasing for the last few cars now but as a car guy (I owned a several old BMWs…at the same time lol), personally for me, I feel like owning is better than leasing psychologically as I do not care leased cars the same as I do to cars I own. Some people call it mechanical sympathy lol. Plus I am not a huge fan of the latest 5er’s exterior/interior designs. I just wanted to see if it makes financial sense to buy an CPO vs lease. Per your investigation, it seems to come to a net at the end of the day.
Depends how you look at it. Coming away from this, I got to drive a car for 8 years for about $100 less per month than I could lease it for. Saved on registration but paid for tires and typical maintenance stuff I wouldn’t have had to if I leased. I could have had 2 new cars in the meantime and made money off the down payment on the car. In general I will never own a German luxury car long term again.