BMW - Build - Which rate /incentives lock

Can we order to build (this month) and have it delivered in December/January 2024? Would it be possible to lock in December MF/incentives if they are better than the current month? Thank you!

What’s the model?

Wait, are you asking to lock things in 8 months in advance?

Yes- it’s time to return the lease, and I’m wondering if I can keep it until a new one arrives.

X5. Thank you.

I think it would be best to just keep an eye on the market until you are a few months out but we’d be glad to have a look at your current car and see if it makes sense to pull you out early if you want?

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A new X5 will take maybe a month to arrive, so if your lease is up now and you’re looking to order, you don’t need to worry about locking terms. Generally, terms only lock for 90 days anyway.

Right now, it would be better to take something in stock this month if your old one is due back, because there’s a 39-month lease deal that significantly lowers the monthly.

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A 39-month lease will equate to the below number by any chance?
Fully loaded X5, M sport AWD 2024 with full MSDs, zero down + (TTT), Corp OL Code, BMW CCA, and 15K miles per year in the $ 700 monthly ballpark? That’s my monthly lease I pay right now. :slight_smile:

Not a chance.

Did your payment go down by $100?

Here you said it’s $800/mo

It’s between $700 and $800 —that’s why I said ballpark. I don’t understand why $100 matters in these conversations. Can you help?

Sure, I’ve created a calc for your target deal of 800/mo + TTL