BMW AND MINI december lease deals so cal x2/x3/x5/740i/750xi/m8/Countryman S/Clubman S/2 door hardtop

BMW and MINI December lease deals on select VIN’s.
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New here on LeaseHackr market place and striving to provide a quality, straight-forward experience for everyone moving forward. Get in touch with me and let me know how I can help you out :+1: :+1: :+1:


Derek, I’m in the market for a 540ix, at a great lease deal… See if Tim can get it $600/month. 0 DAS. If not, should I check with Boris’ store?

Ed Dunn
Former VARA member…

If you want to work a deal with the guy why don’t you just contact him with a stock number and ask for a quote instead of throwing other people’s names around…


Yeah, I guess. I used to vintage race with the dealer principals of both stores.


Hey Ed, Thanks for reaching out. Sorry for delayed response, busy day. Unfortunately, I don’t have a 540ix in our inventory to try and make a deal. Being that you’re a friend of Tim, I’ll run this by him and see what we have allocated.

I am looking for BMW X5 for 12k/36-will give 7-10 MSD as well; also Demos are fine too.
Zip: 91320, I believe I do not qualify for any incentive, not sure about the conquest
I can give the max MSD
I have excellent credit with no issues.
Need Lease within 500/mon, if possible. I have to get it this month…

@6078paseo please text me or inquire on my site and I’ll hook you up with all the info

I didn’t see any M8 coupe on thr website